Cashier uses her last $20 to pay for customer not expecting it to completely alter her life
Ms. Rita used her own card to help the customer who couldn't pay - but things were about to take a huge turn.
Jake Manning

Cashiers with big hearts and caring personalities are the unsung heroes of our everyday lives.

These friendly store employees brighten everyone’s day with their kindness and warmth.

Ms. Rita Burns, a Walgreens cashier in Houston, Texas, is one such individual who epitomizes these qualities.


Ms. Rita is well-known for her compassionate demeanor, but she went above and beyond on the afternoon of September 7, when she encountered a customer named Rina Liou.

This particular day turned out to be memorable for both women.

Speaking to KHOU about her extraordinary shopping experience, Rina recalled,

“I’m just going to make a dash to Walgreens. And I never go there. I go there and I get my light bulbs. And when I went to pay, my heart just sank.”


In her rush, Rina had accidentally grabbed her husband’s phone instead of her wallet.

Faced with the dilemma of using Apple Pay, she grew increasingly anxious at the checkout.

As Rina struggled, Ms. Rita stepped in to offer help.

Despite having just paid off her own bills and having only $20 left in her account, Ms. Rita told Rina that she would cover the cost.


Ms. Rita explained her decision, saying, “I just looked up at God and said, I guess I’m going to do it.”

With a prayer in her heart, Ms. Rita used her card to make Rina’s payment, hoping there would be enough funds.

Fortunately, the transaction went through, and Rina was able to leave with her light bulbs.


Rina, not one to accept charity lightly, returned home, grabbed her wallet, and headed back to Walgreens.

She reimbursed Ms. Rita, bringing along flowers and a thank-you note.

Rina also took a photo with Ms. Rita and shared her story on the Nextdoor app.

The response from the community was overwhelming.


Many locals in Houston recognized Ms. Rita and praised her kindness.

One person commented,

“Rita is the happiest, best employee that Walgreen’s has to offer in normal circumstances.”

Another added, “Rita is the best!! She is such a lovely person and always remembers me by name and always asks how my mom is doing.”


Inspired by her story, a fundraiser was established in Ms. Rita’s honor.

The description on the fundraiser page read,

“Ms. Rita at Walgreens is a neighbor in the truest sense of the word. When a customer needed to buy lightbulbs in a rush but had forgotten her wallet, Ms. Rita wanted to pay ‘but only had $20 in [her] account.’ When she realized the bulbs were 50% off, she paid without hesitation using her own debit card.”

Twitter - Melissa Correa
Twitter - Melissa Correa

The fundraiser was a huge success, raising over $20,500 for Ms. Rita.

This life-changing amount of money was proof of the community’s appreciation for her kindness and generosity.

This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the impact that small acts of kindness can have.


If you have a “Ms. Rita” in your life, consider expressing your appreciation the next time you see them.

These unsung heroes make our world a brighter place with their selfless acts of kindness.

Recognizing and celebrating them can spread more love and compassion in our communities.

Watch the video below to learn more details about this amazing story!

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