7 boys take waitress by surprise with their behavior at table
When the kids first stepped into the sports bar, Nicole Marie was confused since they weren't accompanied by an adult. Little did she know they were about to give her the shock of her life when she waited on their table.
Marilyn Caylor

They came, they saw, they stacked their dishes like Legos, they went.

The Red Dog Saloon in Milford, Michigan serves up beer on tap, their waitresses wear skimpy outfits, and it’s listed as a “dive bar” on Yelp. This grown-up playground isn’t the sort of place that usually caters to the kiddos.

So, what in tarnations were a group of young teenage boys doing in this part of town, flaunting around their money like a bunch of bad cowboys?


They came for the friendly service, the waitresses in skimpy outfits (that will never change), and the hot wings, of course!

But, these boys were a little bit different than the usual crowd who always leave behind a big ol’ mess on the table for their server to clean up. They scored massive points for the zoomer generation by tidying up after themselves!

Nicole Marie, one of the food wranglers at this rowdy sports bar, penned a note on her Facebook page about a well-behaved group of boys who redeemed her faith the future of humanity.

“Today my faith in future generations was restored!! I had 7, 6th grade boys come in while I was working and they wanted to order wings. They asked if they had enough money to cover 40 wings and pops.”

Flickr/Shelby L. Bell
Flickr/Shelby L. Bell

When these kids first stepped into the sports bar, Nicole Marie was confused and immediately wondered where their parents were.

“I asked if they were alone and they said yes and we’ve been looking forward to this for weeks! They were so excited and were EXTREMELY polite the whole entire time, using please and thank you and trying to make it as easy as possible for me to get their order; they even told me they’d tip well.”

Want to know what makes this tag team of big tippers the most dreamy customers ever? They had impeccably good manners!

“One of the boys even told his friend to get off the phone when I was talking to them!”

Facebook/Nicole Marie
Facebook/Nicole Marie

It was really heartwarming for Nicole Marie to see just how much these kids were trying to do right by her.

“It was so heartwarming to see how much they were trying, especially when there were no parents around to scold them if they weren’t on their best behavior.”

And their good behavior didn’t go unnoticed. Someone else thought these kids were absolutely fab, too.

“They were so good that a neighboring customer ended up picking up their tab and telling them to pay it forward!”

Facebook/Red Dog Saloon
Facebook/Red Dog Saloon

Nicole Marie has been working at the Red Dog Saloon for 10 years, but she’s never experienced anything like the group of little angels who sat at her table during her Friday evening shift.

“I don’t waitress as often anymore, but from my past experience, I would say this isn’t the normal (behavior of kids).”

She also admits that young folks aren’t necessarily “ruder or messier,” but there are very few people out there – herself included – who are as polite as these boys were. Since it’s expected that wait staff are getting paid to clean up after their patrons, pretty much no one neatly stacks up their dirty dishes like these tidy kiddos did!

“Pictured is how they left the table! Even grown adults (myself included) rarely leave the table this clean!”

Facebook/Nicole Marie
Facebook/Nicole Marie

Nicole Marie decided to post her experience on social media because it just made her happy! She also hoped it would brighten someone’s day if they knew that at least some kids out there are still being raised right.

“I decided to post this on social media because it made me happy and I hoped it would make other people happy as well. Adults can struggle with manners, so it made me feel really good at how respectful and well mannered these young boys were, especially without having anyone keeping an eye on them!”

Her post has received hundreds of comments from others who love what these boys did.

“Zoomers are going to be the generation that saves the planet. I’m convinced!”

Another person added:

“This is how you treat people. I’m glad they care enough to be good versions of themselves. Props to them.”

Facebook/Nicole Marie
Facebook/Nicole Marie

As for Nicole, she gave one last shout out to the parents of the boys by saying “I just wanted to give a big props to the parents of these boys- keep doing what you’re doing!!”

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