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Underground Pyramid Found in Bolivia

Location: Tiahuanaco, Bolivia

Year Discovered: 2015

Est. Value: Unknown

Tiahuanaco, located in Bolivia, has been a site of significant historical discoveries, with ongoing excavations conducted by both private companies and the government over the years.

One of the most astounding findings at Tiahuanaco occurred in 2015 when archaeologists stumbled upon an underground pyramid using ground-penetrating radar.

Within this subterranean pyramid, researchers also unearthed monoliths. The exploration and study of this underground structure are still underway.

In ancient times, Tiahuanaco was home to one of South America’s most significant cities, covering a vast area of 231,000 square miles. The archaeological findings from this extensive historical site have included stone monuments, palace ruins, sculptures, and various other artifacts.

Notably, since the year 2000, Tiahuanaco has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, acknowledging its cultural and historical importance.