Remove Grease From Kitchen Cabinets With This Common Item
This is a very useful tip to know - it very useful for cleaning your kitchen cabinets.
Jenny Brown

Over time, grease and grime can build up on your kitchen cabinets. This can happen without you ever realizing it. Most of the time, we are so focused on cooking that we don’t notice grease and grime gradually accumulating. For most of us, it’s a pain to deal with this problem. Grease is hard to completely remove, and many times, I’m still left with a rather oily cabinet, no matter how hard I try to clean it.

Then, I came across this neat tip, and it changed everything. In the video below, she explains how using one unusual, but common ingredient can make cleaning super effective and quick. Her logic is quite simple.

“Oil and water don’t mix, but oil and oil do.”

She then applies oil on to a cloth and scrubs the kitchen cabinets. Because oil and oil go together, the grease on the cabinets will stick to the oil on the cloth. Cleaning kitchen cabinets is that easy!

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[Source: ehowathomechannel]
