We all make decisions in our lives that we regret. Sometimes big ones, sometimes small ones. These people know failure in a way that we can all relate to. They made decisions that they instantly regretted, and it was all caught on camera.
1) The Story Of Jabba
I’m not sure how those eyes turned out so perfect but sometimes it’s best not to ask questions. This snowman was supposed to be cute and he ended up looking exactly like Jabba the Hutt. This girl has skills.

2) Never Get A Name
Never get someone’s name tattooed on your body. You may think that you will cherish it forever, but this guy got divorced and had to have it crossed out. Maybe go for something that you’ll always believe in.

3) Cats Don’t Bathe
This is Norm, but it isn’t the norm for him to have a bath. His human thought it would help if he had a bath with him, but Norm said, “no,” and tried to make his escape. Poor human’s bath, he should know cats bathe themselves.

4) Serves Him Right
This guy parked in a really bad spot and did a bad job at that. So these bus drivers surrounded him and went home. Now there’s not much he can do to get out. He probably wasn’t supposed to park there in the first place.

5) Do You See Stairs?
Stare at the stairs long enough and maybe they’ll appear. Not only is this carpet hard on the eyes, but it’s also the worst carpet to put on stairs. Look to the right and you’ll see them but that’s about the only way.

6) Not So Lucky
This guy thought he was really lucky when he found this four-leaf clover. But as you can see, green isn’t is lucky color. He was hit by this frisbee seconds after this picture was taken. That has to hurt!

7) It’s Totally A Dog
This kid made this clay dog in art class and Tim Burton would be proud of it. In fact, I believe it’s a better model than Frankenweenie. It makes me wonder if all of the other kids made similar dogs.

8) Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right
This kid decided to trim his eyebrows. When he did, he realized that he got them oo short. So, he cut some hair from his head and glued them on. It just kept getting worse and worse. There was no turning back.

9) Stack Something Less Valuable
This kid started stacking everything near him and he happened to be at the computer. Of course, the monitor was on top of the stack and ended up on the bottom. Maybe he needs a set of building blocks.

10) Instagram Vs. Snapchat
This is the difference in what the world sees and what your closest friends see. Sure, that packaging looks amazing until it relaxes and does its job. It just goes to show you that even models have their bad days.

11) Please Save Him
This is Edd. He crawled onto this when it was at the edge of the pool. He didn’t know it would float out to the center and strand him. Now he’s calling out for help and promises he won’t go near the pool ever again.

12) When You DIY
This person spent way too much money on this handle so they decided to install it themself to save on money. They did and it was an epic fail. I didn’t know how wrong a door handle could be installed until now.

13) Sneak Skill 100
This guy is not doing a very good job of stealing things sneakily. Sure, he could be hiding something from his kid that he’s already paid for, but it sure does look like he’s trying to steal this huge box.

14) So Much For That Garage
This family got ahead of themselves when they wanted to impress the neighbors as they drove by. They activated their underground garage without making sure there wasn’t anything on top of it.

15) Slid Down That
It’s not often that you get to see the decision that led up to an injury in a picture. But this young lady has a sense of humor and shared it with us. She slid down that baby and it did not turn out the way that she hoped.

16) Should Have Just Used Neosporin
He may have thought he needed a band-aid but that is really sticking to those hairs. Before long, he’ll have a bald spot and red skin when all he needed to do was wait it out. This is what regret looks like.

17) Not The Mouse
This is why you don’t eat at your computer. If you do, you keep your distance because when things go wrong, they go very wrong. This kid spilled his cereal all over his mousepad and was actually thankful it didn’t get worse.

18) Cool Watch, Man
Can you tell who is taking the picture? That’s right, the guy with the Apple watch who didn’t consider setting a timer instead of taking the picture with his hand in the air. I bet he dropped his AirPods in his soup too.

19) It Happens To Everyone
Don’t lie, this has happened to you too. Even if you haven’t made it a habit to lay down and look at your phone, you have still done it before. This girl’s reaction was perfect. She’s almost offended at her own phone.

20) Keep Your Eye On The Ball
They don’t tell you to keep your eye on the ball so that you will make more shots, but so that you won’t get hit. Even the audience members at games should keep their eye on the ball. Those things hurt.

21) Hope Santa’s Hungry
They tried to make cookies for Santa and ended up with a cookie for Santa. It can happen. They always spread more than you think they are going to. The box says you need two inches between them, but maybe that should have been four.

22) Paper From Her Wedding Day
This bride asked her brother to get a paper from her wedding day and he did. Turns out, he thought that the whole thing was a tragic mistake. Should she regret the marriage or asking her brother to pick a paper?

23) Third Time’s A Charm
She may look like a heartless mother for taking a picture instead of helping, but this was the third time this happened in fifteen minutes so she couldn’t resist. The captured memory is worth the five seconds of panicking.

24) Majestic bEaST
This cat looked pretty amazing sticking his head through the fence. It was going back that was a struggle. All his fat gathered in the same place making it nearly impossible for him to wriggle back through.

25) How Photographers Get Hurt
This photographer thought that getting a shot of this cave full of bats was a once in a lifetime chance. But when the flash freaked them all out, he had to run for his life lest he be mauled by a thousand of them.

26) Watching Paint Dry
This is what happens when you lie on your resume and say you know how to do something that you don’t. He boxed himself in and now has a choice to make. Ruin his progress or wait for a spot to dry.

27) Is It For Sale?
If this car is for sale then it will be hard to get a buyer. If the person selling it advises you not to buy it then who on earth would buy it? Unless this is some sort of reverse psychology that is too in-depth for us to understand.

28) Caution: Breaks Under Pressure
This is why you shouldn’t put a griddle on a glass table. Makes you worry about glass stovetops but at least they are designed for heat. This table was not and the griddle absolutely ruined it.

29) Was Instagram Worth It?
She just wanted a cool shot for social media and ended up being sucked under the esclator. Now she has to ditch her sweater or wait for someone to pry it out. At least the man with her is politely offering his assistance.

30) When You Match The Dog
You know Shalissa from Vine? Well, this 13-year-old girl asked her uncle why his dog was dressed like Shalissa. You know, she does have a point because they are wearing the exact same jacket.

31) What’s The Worst That Could Happen
I’m pretty sure this is the absolute worst thing that could happen while doing laundry. I have no idea how it happened but someone set the dryer on fire. Was there a setting that was too hot to handle?

32) Don’t Tie Your Shoe There
This guy knelt down to tie his shoe at the worst spot because his girlfriend thought he was proposing. This put everyone in an awkward position. Please, do not kneel down in front of a romantic location.

33) It’s Safe, I Promise
When you’re an adult, you look back at the things you argued with your mom over and they look like this. You were so sure that it was safe and then you realize later how right your mom was and feel ashamed of yourself.

34) Catch A Wave
This guy is catching more than waves. A surfer is coming right towards him with no way to stop himself. He could shout out but I guess no one thought of that. How does a surfboard on the back feel?

35) Three Times And Still A Failure
Sometimes, the “Pull Here” tab is a lie that makes you feel like a loser. This guy tried three times and failed horrible. You’d think after all this time they’d come up with a failproof way to open boxes.

36) Not The Best Presentation
This is how this guy brought his protein powder to work. It’s a good thing he didn’t have a metal spoon in there with it or else things would have got messy when coworkers started spreading rumors.

37) Afraid Of Goats?
If you’re not afraid of goats then maybe you should be because this one looks quite aggressive. They may be small but they are fierce and this one doesn’t let anybody mess with him. You show them who is boss, Billy.

38) He Is In Pain
I guess when your girlfriend asks for a better view, you give her one, no matter how painful it is. She looks like she’s having so much fun that he may just believe that the pain is worth it in the end. Or not.

39) Missed The Rice
If they would have hit the rice instead of the gravy, this wouldn’t have been so bad. I bet they won’t use Instagram while they are eating ever again. But they’ll still eat in bed which is just as dangerous.

40) Hate To See A Fridge
To be honest, if they sent a fridge, they’d probably send it in the same box because that’s how big it is. It probably cost more to ship this tiny battery in the box but you know, their customers are worth it.

41) Pro Chair Tipper
The people who claim to be amazing at tipping their chair without falling usually end up on the floor. This kid proved that when he was showing off and was caught falling to the tile floor on his back.

42) The Perfect Makeover
This is how you upgrade a tattoo. This guy got a tattoo when he was nineteen that he regretted getting. Years later, he did the transition and slowly gave it a makeover. It looks a million times better now.

43) All In Good Fun
This guy was just trying to help this kid off of the jet ski, but ended up in more pain than he thought possible. Sometimes doing the right thing doesn’t mean everything works out for you. Although if you look at the picture right, it looks like he’s trying to kidnap the kid.

44) Not As Bad As It Looks
To be fair, this is just oil from the sump pump. But you know, it is an important lesson to learn. Whenever you’re cleaning out the sump, make sure that you pay attention to the way that the wind is blowing.

45) Not The Best Jenga Player
This girl lost big time on Memorial Day to the big Jenga tower. This is probably the most pitiful loss that I’ve ever seen. Who knew that Jenga could be so painful? Just look at her wince as the blocks fall on her.

46) Read The Signs
There’s a reason signs exist. They are for your own good, that’s what this U-Haul driver found out. He ignored the sign that said “no trucks” and drove up the ramp anyway. It did not work out for him at all.

47) This Should Calm Her
This mom got a cut nightlight for her daughter who was afraid of the dark. As it turns out, the nightlight is scarier than the dark, so I’d say that she’s going to have to try again on that one. Maybe Piglet won’t give her nightmares.

48) Try Not To Wince
We don’t know the whole story, we only know that he slapped a porcupine and faced the consequences. If you’ve never seen a porcupine defend itself, then you were probably shocked to see the number of needles in this man’s hand.

49) One Has A Good Tan
This guy got a good deal on slippers on Black Friday. He didn’t realize something was amiss until he got home. They may be the same size, but there’s also someone else out there with a matching pair.

50) He Saw It Going Differently
There are a couple of different things he could be doing. He could have been doing a challenge, making a cool sound, or stopping abruptly. But what he wasn’t trying to do was fall on his face, which is what happened.

51) When You Go Threadbare
Threadbare shirts are in right now. Get the wide arm holes, thin material, anything that makes the distributers more money. Well, this guy wore one on a sunny day and ended up with a horrible burn.

52) Try A Different Color
This leaf on the toilet was supposed to add a bit of refinery and taste, but it was done in the worst color possible. A nice blue or green wouldn’t be horrible, but brown, yellow, and red would all be poor choices.

53) A Beard Makes A Difference
This guy wondered if he would look more feminine if he shaved. It’s an age-old question that men try to answer all of the time. The answer is yes, he did. Although the look on his face does help his cause.

54) Caught Powder-Handed
This kid may be adorable, but once he wakes up from that sugar crash he’s going to have to explain why no one else got any donuts. It’s a good thing that the donut bag is there or else this would be a different situation.

55) Scaring Siblings Be Like
This kid was left alone for ten minutes and this is what she did. It’s safe to say that she doesn’t have much experience with tape because this will not be fun to take off. She did give her parents a heart attack though.

56) Gatorade Bottle Challenge
I don’t know what happened here but it looks like a water bottle challenge gone wrong. Either that, or someone accidently dropped a bottle of Gatorade and made the smallest mess possible. Get the towel before it’s too late.

57) When You’re Not A Natural Repairman
This guy decided to fix the toilet himself. He took the toilet out, replaced wax rings, and put it back. Then he realized that he left the door on the wrong side. If I were him, I’d just take the door down and put it back right.

58) It’s Great In Theory
Who hasn’t wanted to blow the biggest bubble that they can? It sounds like a lot of fun and it’s impressive. But bubbles pop, that’s how you know you’ve gone as big as you can. It wasn’t fun cleaning this up.

59) He Fell In
This sweet kitty is adorable, but doesn’t know his boundaries yet. He tried to climb up on the knobs to spend time with his human, but slipped and ended up wet. Look at how ashamed he looks.

60) Always Bring An Umbrella
If you’re a tourist or just visiting family, it’s understandable if you don’t know what you’ll need. But if you live there, you know if you should always have an umbrella in the car or not. Almost everyone else knew they should bring one.

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