Nature is filled with examples of beautiful symmetry, which is probably one of the reasons why we love to see pizza sliced into perfect little isosceles triangles, and why we should never, ever color outside the lines in a coloring book.
So, when someone starts to mess up the perfect order of the universe, you can bet your cosmic bottom that it’s going to rub some people’s OCD the wrong way!
If you’re even a little bit OCD like me, then you’re going to blow your lid over these 75 very uncomfortable images that throw disorderly conduct right in your face.
1) This guy’s tattoos are infuriating!
There’s no accounting for this guy’s taste in tattoos, but come on! At least connect the lines and close the loops. The gaps are absolutely maddening!
2) “Toughest OCD decision of my life.”
Do it! A single penny isn’t likely to make a dent. And wouldn’t you rather see a perfect $40 on your bank statement instead of $39.99?
3) “This Shitf key.”
Either this button is dyslexic, or it’s incomplete. It needs to be fixed ASAP before I go “shitf”-ace crazy!
4) Why???
This was a perfect lineup…until they did this! Why?
It’s actually a clever inside joke – Dr. House was actually afflicted with OCD!
5)”Someone at work asked if they could have one of my Sudafed.”
No. Just no. Do you work with animals? If your coworker can’t dispense pills from the correct Excel spreadsheet cell, they deserve that stupid headache!
6) “I lost a loved one today. I’m not sure which one yet, but whoever cuts cheese cake like this is dead to me.”
This is why teaching geometry to our children is so important. Get it wrong, and they grow up to be butchers of all things cheesecake and basic symmetry.
7) “Spent hours completing this mildly infuriating puzzle and now I can’t.”
I don’t think I can deal with this. It’s like looking at a little black hole that’s sucking all the order out of the universe.
8) “This guy had his headphones on like this for almost the entire flight back from Queensland and it was driving me nuts.”
Some people are so inconsiderate! They don’t bother to untuck their ear, even though it’s quite obvious that their headphone is folding it in half like a taco. Our ears are not tacos, people!
“It was as if he didn’t even care or notice his ear was folded over, which is insane. How could you possibly not realise? I was trying to read a book but I couldn’t concentrate, every time I looked up it was the same. I wanted to reach over and fix it, ask him what is wrong with him that he can just be ok with having his ear like that. I was furious. It was the worst flight ever.”
9) “The way my wife opens things.”
Did you find out she was a raccoon before or after you married her? You should be wary of this one. Someone who so carelessly jabs, stabs, and rips into things won’t show any mercy with your heart.
10) “This sunflower doesn’t want to face East.”
Non-conformity is not allowed in this orderly collective. Either turn around and praise the sun god, or go sow your own field and be a hippy flower child with those stupid weed friends of yours.
11) “I opened my new sketch pencils today…and honestly, I don’t know what I did to deserve this.”
This rebellious pencil does not belong! Pencil sharpen it to bits, then toss the remains of this aberration into the sewer. It’s the only way to be sure. You must never speak of this incident to anyone.
12) Ummm…
Yes, this is exactly why you should slow down and make sure “you’re” correct. But, I still vote no, because as @Thomas Duncan mentioned:
“That sentence makes my brain so itchy I want to stab it through my ears.”
13) Yeah, that’s really annoying.
Only those with an advanced case of OCD will be able to spot the atrocities happening here. Someone took a couple of frozen waffles and tried to pass it off as waffle-maker made.
“Number of holes in these waffles doesn’t match the iron they are sitting in.”
14) How do you even mess up a stovetop?
All you had to do was trace a circle around the circle. Mistakes like these burn me up!
15) “This elevator button panel.”
This does not compute! Danger, Will Robinson, danger! Twitch…twitch…snap.
16) “That one window…”
There’s always that one window that refuses to play by the rules. Now that its sullied everything else around it, the whole building will just have to come down.
17) “I asked the lady to cut my sandwich into three pieces.”
Messing up a man’s lunch is neither the time nor place to teach him the value of fractions. Now the sandwich is totally inedible!
18) “This woman’s headphones…”
When your OCD cares so much it hurts.
“Excuse me, Miss? I’m not trying to come on to you or anything, but would it be okay if I reached over and untangled those 30 knots of ridiculousness for you? My OCD can’t stand to see a pretty lady like you give zero f**k’s!”
19) “The colour choice for the emergency door buttons on a bus.”
Only those with red-green color blindness would be okay with this. And for those who are too panicked to read, this could quickly escalate into an even bigger emergency!
20) “My 3 year old insisted on that pink one.”
Ah, screw the 3-year-old! She doesn’t have an adverse reaction to pink beads and their disorderly conduct.
21) “United terminal, O’Hare airport, Chicago”
Looks like United ticket agents dragged this one off to the side after it tried to jump the queue. That’s what you get for not waiting your turn in line!
22) “Asked if they could cut it in half to split with my bf.”
Some people are born stupid. Others are just here to spite you. This unfortunate pizza was cut by the worst of both.
23) “The circle on the Netflix volume control isn’t centered on the line.”
[ Pauses for a moment to check Netflix account. Notices the volume control circle has been whipped back into formation. #OCDLivesMatter! ]
24) “This is why I don’t let guests empty my dishwasher.”
If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself. But, what are you supposed to do after they’ve made a mess of your life?
@Dian Ella Lillie:
“The dilemma is – restack the plates, smash the plates, or smash the guest?”
I vote smash the guest. It’s the only way to be sure it never happens again.
25) “My wife and I spent the night in a quiet bed and breakfast last night. This kept me awake for hours. Thanks OCD.”
I think this is where that wonky cheesecake from an earlier slide is supposed to go. I couldn’t find a triangle to fill up that space, so I drew a little off-center heart for you.
26) This bathroom is just cruel.
This hurts my eyes when I try to look at it. Is this 80’s vertigo I’m feeling right now?
“It looks like 1985 got drunk and took a shower.”
27) “When the robo vacuum ruins its perfect track lines returning to base.”
Bad robo, bad! It totally ruined this minimalism dream scene.
28) “These tables at my school.”
[mumbles incoherently to self]
“Keep it together. It’s just a table, it’s just a table, it’s just a stupid table. Tables never hurt anyone. Don’t look at the legs. Don’t do it, don’t you dare do it! Arghhhh, now you’re screwed.”
[curls up into fetal position and starts to cry]
29) “This line on every page of my notebook.”
Abominations like this are severely punished in some countries. Okay, not really, but they should be!
“Whoever let this get through QC should be put under review. fired. executed.”
30) “My landlord installed a new cabinet.”
No, your landlord installed a guillotine. He deserves some serious questioning the next time he swings by for a work order.
31) “The back of this girl’s shirt.”
I would be too tempted to get out a pair of scissors and cut this in half. I don’t like it when my eyes do funny things while looking at this shirt!
32) This scrabble wrapping paper…
What? Haven’t you ever heard atheist carolers sing “We wish you a Merry Tistimas”?
I suppose you’re also going to claim that you know nothing about St. Nick’s cousin, Carlos “Santaanta,” who drops riffs on roofs on Christmas Eve.
Or that Rudolph was actually a stuttering “ReinReinDeer” before he was put on meds and rebranded as a red-nosed reindeer.
33) “He’s been tailing us for 20 miles, I’m going to lose my mind.”
Not to worry, there’s probably a good reason why the bumper bar is crooked.
“Probably did that to match his teeth.”
@Ben Smith:
“He’s probably rammed a lot of people who take pics of him while driving…”
And if you’re anywhere near Georgia, you better run! According to @Arsekraken:
“Looks like you may be forced to squeal like a pig in the near future.”
34) “What lunatic designed this church?”
This could only be the work of a dark underlord. Someone please Photoshop this before my eyes explode!
35) “One tile in the whole building. ONE!!!!”
Yes, that one tile is THE ONE! It’s the control panel that will let you exit the Matrix!
36) “what?… oh,.. wait, what?”
It might be easier to just poke your eyes out and feel your way to the right button. Otherwise you’ll have too much time on your hands trying to figure out why God made people that make elevators like this.
37) “I asked my girlfriends sister to put my Jenga away after she and her boyfriend were done playing.”
It’s so easy to make that annoying little family problem go away. Your girlfriend didn’t really need a sister anyways.
38) “When my wife does the dishes, I have to do a silent bit of cleanup just for myself.”
Some things just clearly aren’t as important to some as others. She probably has some other qualities that are great.
39) “Gosh darnit Papa John’s!”
My OCD radar wasn’t on and it took me a minute to see the problem here. There are 8 perfectly sliced pizza magnets and that one huge gap is getting in the way of completing the circle!
40) “This condiment pump station…”
My head just spun around like it did with Linda Blair in The Exorcist. I think I must be channeling the demon spawn that’s responsible for this minimum wage mess.
41) It’s amateur hour at the outlet center.
Electrician: how/where would you like this installed?
Me: make it so the joke’s on me, man.
“It bothers me more that someone painted around the dual phone jack instead of under it. Also, that there’s phone jacks.”
Don’t forget the 2-pronged electrical outlet. That’s older than the house.
42) “My roommate using the incorrect size screen protector.”
And he’s still your roommate because…? People like this have to be taught life skills, like paying rent on time, not chewing on leather shoes, carpet hairballs are not finger toys, and so on.
43) “Why didn’t they place it in the circle?!”
Maybe the extension cord didn’t reach? But, I’m more concerned about why Tweety Bird is driving his car from the back window.
44) This bathroom floor tile.
That’s just the tile’s way of giving you an OCD revenge wink. You step on his face every single day, so it’s his turn to make you really mad.
45) “I’ve walked on this bridge every weekend for over a year and not noticed this until now.”
For your own sake, it might be best if you stay off that bridge. I think that stud is out to get you!
46) “Why… WHY?”
This is what happens when people who have no business having babies start to populate the earth with their vicious little cretins. They’re just smart enough to accomplish this one crowning achievement.
47) “This window and roof”
Hey, don’t forget the half-curtains! That definitely rubs OCD nerves the wrong way, too.
48) “Can something be oddly satisfying and mildly infuriating at the same time?”
If you’re talking about beer, then yes it can! But this is also like having that one friend who turns your back on you when you need them the most.
49) “This Justice League promo”
Nooooooo! There can be no justice when superheroes fail us! Can they please just get up and move to their proper seats?
50) “Been living here for 22 years and I just noticed the lights aren’t aligned.”
Now you’ll have to move. You’ll never stop seeing these lights – they’ll haunt you in your dreams! People will think your crazy if you start talking about the zig-zag lights in the sky!
51) “The missing dot on my to do list”
This is probably one of the least OCD moments on this list. Just use your pen and turn it into a to-dot list!
All you have to do is use your pen!
52) “My girlfriend’s silverware drawer at school.”
Granted, this is a slightly irritating OCD mess. But onto more important topics – how does your girlfriend still have all of her fingers?
“Nothing says “surprise” like a hidden steak knife.”
“Right? Imagine trying to find a spoon like you’re searching for the right shape of Lego. “Is that it? OW! No… This one maybe? Ow. Nope. I could find it if people would stop leaving their blood in here… Savages.”
53) “My girlfriend uses bendy straws this way.”
Just wait until she starts blowing bubbles with it.
“If she uses the straw like a twit, you must acquit!”
54) “My dad’s workshop”
The wrench on the bottom right was oh so close! And what’s with the big straggler? There’s no place for it on that wall!
The only way to solve this mess is to repaint the whole thing and start over with a brand new set of tools.
55) “Now this is just evil.”
Hey look, it’s a tile that’s pretending to be a folded-over doormat. I think everyone’s pretend OCD just went into overdrive!
56) “This will make you want to rip your hair out.”
Or throats. Ripping throats out works too. Count Chocula shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a Kit Kat bar!
57) That annoying Fig Newton that just won’t go away.
Every other cookie is lined up in single file, but this joker thinks it’s okay to bust a move. It needs to be euthanized. Immediately.
58) This one blue sprinkle…
This is what happens when the Matrix realizes it’s about to get reset! I would have no problem dumping out all the red sprinkles just to get to the blue one.
59) Just one more 3/4 turn please…
Argh! Don’t people know how to put sewer lids on the street anymore? This sort of laziness makes me sick just looking at it.
60) Some people just want to see the world burn.
Great. Now assembly lines are in on it, too. [facepalms forehead]
61) One red-colored square…
It looks like a drop of blood. A drop of perfectly square blood. My OCD is confused – should it stay, or should it go?
62) This grate…
Some people are just born to be haters. And then they grow up to be the guy who did this.
63) Two of the most important questions that we’ll never get an answer to:
What is the meaning of life? Why is this Denny’s sign off-center?
64) “Found this at my hotel in Croatia.”
All he had to do was scooch that stupid design over to the right one more square. Just one! This could have been so perfect.
65) What’s wrong with him? The box is right there.
If you’re not a serious connoisseur of OCD, you might wonder what this guy did wrong.
He circled YES instead of checking the box that was right there!
66) “Missed it by that much.”
Who is responsible for this – the guy who built the ramp or the door? At least the ramp is lined up with the light. I going to blame the door guy for this one.
67) “This gum packet bothers me.”
And it should! It’s a decoy pack of gum. The sideways one could be filled with something else perhaps.
68) “When the water company dig up 150+ year old granite setts and patch it up with tarmac…”
This OCD travesty is 150 years in the making. It’s not like we haven’t learned how to make replacement granite in all that time.
69) “This lunch table.”
What sort of backwards thinking made this happen? Now you can’t even enjoy a nice picnic lunch without going into an OCD seizure.
70) “The positioning of this clock on the tower.”
This is wrong on so many levels! The shape of the clock, the placement on the tower, the color…why does life have to be so cruel?
71) “This Gas Station Used The “Ñ” For “Oñions” But Not “Jalapenos”
Maybe it’s a Spanish onion and one of those plastic-wrapped English jalapeno? Either way, it’s “muy estupido.”
72) “The way my pizza was cut.”
Welcome to Pizza Derp, where your pizza is cut by a 4-year-old! Yes, it’s inhumane, I know.
73) “The way this professor erases the board.”
This would be a good time to sneak up behind him and start scratching that dirty chalkboard.
74) “This statue is not centered…”
I feel like this could be a sand timer if only the two spheres were lined up. There’s only one solution for this.
“Evacuate everyone, nuke the town and start over.”
75) “This 89 degree angle…”
Why even bother if you’re not going to go all the way to get the right angle. It’s not like there wasn’t enough room!
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