A wedding is meant to be a joyful occasion, but regrettably, weddings donโ€™t always live up to that expectation. Sometimes, the source of the unhappiness can be traced back to a particularly troublesome wedding guest.

Recently, on r/weddingshaming, u/BewareOfTrips posed the question, โ€œWho was the rudest guest at your wedding?โ€

The responses were quite astonishing, and itโ€™s safe to say that some of these guests should consider themselves fortunate for leaving the receptions unscathed.

Here are some of the most egregious examples:

Classic Mother-In-Law

โ€œAt my friendsโ€™ wedding, the brideโ€™s mother spent the whole 10-minute speech listing all of the terrible things that had happened that year (deaths in the family, unfortunate diagnoses and health issues, damage to property due to natural disasters) and then every once in a while would go โ€˜โ€ฆso itโ€™s nice to have had this wedding to look forward to!โ€™ before diving right back into it.

โ€œMy friends still havenโ€™t shown anyone the wedding video with the speeches because it was filmed from the head table, and you can clearly hear the bride saying, โ€˜Oh my God. Iโ€™m going to kill her. Right now. Hand me a knife, Iโ€™m gonna do it, she must be stopped,โ€™ and her new husband telling her, โ€˜You canโ€™t kill her right now, honey, thereโ€™ll be too many witnesses.'โ€

โ€” Reddit

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