With the surge of social media posts disseminated over the internet, it’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of misinformation. Nothing can be trusted anymore and everything has to be fact-checked in order to uphold some semblance of reality. As it turns out, many people are quick to jump the gun and hinge their words on feelings and convenient truths before taking a moment to realize what they’re saying. They say ignorance is bliss, but the following 35 posts prove that the old adage should have been a bit more blunt in its hint at stupidity.
1) Sounds About White
This is a statement that should raise every eyebrow in the room. Not only is this a form of racial antagonization, but it’s a complete lack of awareness of human geography. Learning is a real thing, and being a certain race does not limit you from acquiring knowledge.
2) Spellcheck Can’t Save You Here
At first, You might think this is a mistype. However, the conversation follows until this person finally realizes the big difference in vocabulary. Maybe it’s time for Thesaurus Tuesday after Pizza Monday.
3) Earth To John, Please Respond
Copernicus would be rolling in his grave for such a statement to surface at this stage in evolution. If the Earth is not a planet, then surely the moon must be made out of cheese. It boils down to this: it’s harder and more energy-consuming to come up with a flat earth conspiracy than to accept the fact that Earth is, in fact, a round planet.
4) They might want to refine their argument
Although Florida is considered the Sunshine State, not only bright minds come out of this backwater peninsula. No disrespect to my home state, but how would one even go about judging maturity for a woman who is expecting to deliver a newborn baby? Nobody should tell a woman how to address her body, let alone those in a position of power.
5) X Marks the Spot
I think you mean continents, not countries. I would hope that by this time this person has taken a look at a map or a globe to realize the mistake they’ve made. For their sake, we hope any future travel plans help to enlighten this blatant disregard for all the countries out there.
6) Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right, But Three Rights Do Make A Left
This might be one of the few times being visually impaired makes a post better. Clearly, we can see this person is taking the left path instead of the right. We get what’s being said, but try to make it more visually congruent to follow along with the message next time.
7) This Looks Fishy
The irony of this post is truly flabbergasting. It’s basically stating that one way to save fish is by killing them. Well kids, if you don’t succeed, try and try again. Just be careful you’re not killing the same thing you vowed to protect.
8) No Cure For Idiocy
This is truly concerning. Not only is she wrong about any president getting cancer (Ulysses Grant died of throat cancer), but her conspiracy theory relies on nothing but superstition. Overpopulation isn’t an issue that gets thwarted in a secretive scientist vault.
9) Puree Goodness
All that time and effort and only to come up short. Failure is a state of mind not a condition, unless it’s carrot puree in- which case you may suffer from stomach poisoning. On the bright side, You can at least see some determination in this parent’s words, so hopefully they’ll try a different recipe next time.
10) Attention To Detail Goes A Long Way
It’s not a spoiler if it happens in the same event. This person clearly missed out on the other winners and it’s likely due to favoritism. Some people think there’s no such thing as a dumb question, but paying attention can save you from awkward moments such as this one.
11) You Played Yourself
In the next edition of ‘check yourself before you wreck yourself’, a video game streamer gets invited to the PlayStation 5 livestream, when a heckler out of nowhere assumes she lacks the credentials to be a part of the momentous event. Little did he know that this person has a long list of experience using video games and consoles. In the famous words of DJ Khaled, “You played yourself.”
12) Right Back At Ya
Not only do degrees help you earn a better livelihood, but they can also crush your opponent in any argument related to your field. Word to the wise: never challenge someone’s knowledge of their profession. Especially when they can pulverize and school you at the same time.
13) Nice To…Meet You?
First impressions are important and can build the foundation for that relationship going forward. But double-first impressions are just plain awkward. You never know when that elevator moment arrives and you realize your coworker knew you from the start.
14) Food For Thought
Some people just can’t seem to mind their own business. It’s oddly satisfying when they do get put in their place and someone can clap back a their instigative approach. Never mind reading a book, this person should be more respecful and learn some manners before he goes off blasting the wrong person.
15) Alexander Not Hamilton
Fiction is stranger than reality, but what happens when it merges as reality? Our imagination can sometimes lead us to believe certain things took place, when in fact they did not. It’s like an episode of the Mandela Effect mixed in with a little bit of confetti on the side.
16) The Wonderful World Of Athletes
This one made the facepalm list immediately. It never gets boring when famous athletes get dismissed for ordinary joes. For what it’s worth, it’s probably cool to feel normal every once in awhile and forget about your super human swimming attributes. At least that’s what we hope this Olympian thinks after this interesting exchange.
17) Incognito Tony Does It Again
If it looks like a hawk, smells like a hawk, and talks like a hawk, then it must be Tony hawk? Unbelievable the amount of people who came close to deciphering Tony Hawk’s identity. The funny part was that Tony had all the popcorn he needed to watch how fans started putting the pieces together.
18) Are You As Good As Yourself?
No copyright infringement here. This person knew there was no copycat involved when clearly he was the source of his own inspiration. A good double check on your sources might work better for you next time buddy.
19) Me, Myself, and I
We get it: English can be a rather tricky language to maneuver for some people. We can give the benefit of the doubt due to the phrasing of the question that was said, but let’s hope next time someone doubles down on a response that it’s not challenged out of nowhere. She did confirm twice that it was indeed her lab. Columbus will have to do a better job of advertising her name on her laboratory if she wants to be known to for her own institution and avoid confusion down the road.
20) Mother Russia Does It Again
This is rather embarrassing. What better way to represent the US Navy then to have a picture of a Russian battlecruiser. It’s clearly patriotism at it’s lowest, and clearly a mockery to the US military. Of all the cool naval assets and this person chose to pick one that was not from the United States.
21) “A” Is For Alarming
This post is just all sorts of looney. Not only is it riddled with answers that are not countries, but some of the responses also have the letter “A” in it. After seeing this atrocity, there clearly needs to be more stress on social studies and geography in public schools.
22) No Shame In My Game
There are no words for this ridiculous theft. It’s bad enough that you’re planning to commit a robbery, but you also have the audacity to wear a clear plastic bag as a mask to hide your identity? It’s no wonder that some criminals are just asking to walk into prison.
23) Warning: May Contain Spoilers With No Warning
Here’s every movie fanatic’s worse nightmare: getting a movie spoiled. Not only that, but because one thing went wrong it’s receiving a 1 star review? I’m not sure how this post helps anyone out to be quite honest.
24) How To Fail Basic Training 101
You’ll have a laugh at this post once you realize what the officer ended up doing. If you look closely, you can see the cop is strangling his own co-officer and not the suspect! They don’t prepare you for this in the academy.
25) Clout vs. Child
Well, let’s hope for this child’s sake this image was photoshopped. If not, then clearly this mom needed to drop this phone and get some immediate help. Another reminder that we live in times where we prefer to film something then to actually live in the moment.
26) Over The Top Celebration
Anime may be too kiddish to describe these decorative swords. This ceremonial tradition is to induct certain Air Force honor officers into the Order of the Sword. No the swords aren’t from any anime, but they sure do look cool and lavish enough to pass as one so we won’t say this was a total face palm.
27) Habla Espanol?
If you know any basic Spanish, than this is not something you want to say. For starters, “comer” is a verb which means “to eat” and the rest is material not suitable for the content of this article. So if you’re wanting not to get slapped across the face at the dinner table, avoid this awful phrase before it gets you into trouble.
28) Simple Question, Complicated Answer
She wasn’t playing around the first time, but she completely missed her ex boyfriends question. He just wanted to know if she was single, not if she was dominating life as a Dr. Well, she probably used this to make a point about her work ethic, but there’s no need to be so harsh about it right?
29) Agent Tony Hawk Goes Unscathed
It’s actually amazing how many times Tony Hawk goes through certain days going under the radar. In the latest saga, Tony meets a skater at a park who asks to take some pictures. Tony Hawk, being the gentleman that he is, had no choice but to oblige.
30) Staying In Character
After the photo session at the park, Hawk introduced himself as Tony while the friendly skater made the connection to Tony Hawk…who was literally standing right in front of him. We wonder if he ever realized that he came in contact with the legend himself.
31) Soldiers Aren’t Born, They Are Bred
32) Utterly Speechless
Out of all the face palm moments, this one might just take the cake. Why would you do this kind of thing? Does it not occur what would happen if this sensitive information was easily distributed? I mean, come on this one just has too many red flags to ignore. Banks might have to start issuing cognitive examinations for people before they are issued a bank card from now on.
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