Twin babies lose it when ‘dada’ gets home
and 'Dada' couldn't look happier
William Maldonado

For many children, the best part of their day is playtime or naptime. But for these adorable twins, daddy coming home from work is the best part of staying up.


Where’s Daddy?

The video opens with the two twins playing with toys, minding their own business.Their mother, an off-camera figure, calls to them to say that “Dada’s home.”


While the nearer child focuses on her toys, the furthest child immediately snaps their attention away and points as if asking if her father is right around the corner. You can almost feel the excitement as the baby points her little finger just off camera and looks at her mother with the most hopeful eyes. Her mother then says:

“Yeah, Go get him!”

After a sweetly brief pause, the furthest daughter drops to hands and knees and crawls away like a rocket. “Dada’s” coming home and nothing is going to stop her from being the first to greet him.

The other twin notices her sister’s departure and mother explains that “Dada’s” home and asks the babies where he is. The daughter thinks for a moment and joins her sister in crawling over to the stairs where a baby gate blocks their way.

It’s only a matter of time now!

There’s Daddy!

The babies spend some time looking down the steps for their dad While they wait, their mother encourages them by telling them again and again that Dada’s home and asking where he is. The two babies give their mother looks that are a cute combination of “We don’t know” and “Just tell us, mommy.”


One of the children get the bright idea that “Dada” may be upstairs, and starts towards the steps. But mommy is there to urge them away. Not just for their safety, but so they don’t miss out on snuggle time with their father.


Child and mother stare at each other, but with no sign of “Dada” the baby won’t be so easily stopped. She turns back towards the stairs and throws a hand up on the first step ready to climb.

Once again, Mommy stops the baby from leaving and moves closer to the downward stairs with the baby gate. She motions for the babies to join her there because “Dada” is just around the corner.

But after some time, the children hear a familiar voice. It’s Daddy singing one of his songs to greet the babies after his long day out. The babies spot him and jump up on their feet and grab hold of the baby gate, meeting “Dada”.

Their father smiles and offers them both kisses, then showers them in affection. Because he loves seeing them as much as they love seeing him. The video ends with a brief bump from Rumble Viral, who posted the video for all to see.

Best part of goodbye is saying welcome back

Parents know how much routines mean to younger children. Whether it’s older siblings coming back from school or parents returning home from work, there’s nothing better to babies then seeing their loved ones walk through the door.


This video is one family’s experience with this very real and very common heartwarming experience.


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