A heartless theft leaves a trooper to gift his daughter’s bike to victim
Trooper Burke went above and beyond his job description for a little girl.
Jonathan Arrastia

Crime Never Sleeps

Often times we rely on police offers to establish order in the difficult moments we face injustice. They are sometimes our last line of defense whenever society decides to start poking holes in our plans. Whether it was our own doing or completely done on accident, they are always there to make sure someone cleans up the mess. This was the case for Massachusetts state trooper, Jim Burke, who responded to a peculiar report made by Blue Hills Reservation of a missing bicycle.

G20 Voice
G20 Voice

Houghton’s Pond, which is located within Blue Hills Reservation, contains a 24-acre pond and also different sites for walking,fishing, biking, hiking, swimming, and more. Needless to say, it is a very captivating nature area that one can spend hours upon hours strolling through. When he arrived at the scene, he learned that a little girl’s bicycle was stolen when she and her family took a walk through Houghton’s Pond area. One thing is to take an item, but a child’s bike? Kind of a low blow there, criminal.


Don’t Forget To Wear A Helmet


Everyone remembers their first ride on a bicycle. Whether you glided gracefully down the road, or you face-planted for hitting the breaks too hard, you can never forget how awesome it felt to feel that cool wind caressing your face.

The family had left the young girl’s bicycle by the pavilion when they later decided to walk the beach area. On their way back from their walk, the family passed by the pavilion and noticed the bicycle had been stolen. This left them entirely shocked and repulsed by the idea that someone had the audacity to commit this horrendous crime. At the time, one could only sympathize with the sentiment that was going through this little girl’s broken heart.

Gauthier DELECROIX - 郭天
Gauthier DELECROIX - 郭天

Thankfully, luck was on their side as Trooper Burke came to the rescue. This was going to be no small feat, however. In a statistic taken by Bicyclelaw, of the 48% of stolen bikes that are recovered by law enforcement, only 5% of stolen bikes are returned to their owners. Furthermore, it is also reported that every year over 2 million bikes are stolen in North America; which means it also acts as a very profitable business. As it turns out, Trooper Burke had other ideas in mind. After talking it out with the family, Burke stated that he would give a bicycle he had kept in storage at his home which belonged to his daughter. The officer mentioned that his daughter had gotten older and as a result could not ride the bicycle any further.

Massachusetts State Police
Massachusetts State Police

Give The Gift Of Kindness

The family was at awe and very graciously accepted his offer! They could not believe that officer would be so kind as to make such a heartfelt gesture. The little girl’s face radiated with happiness as she took her new bike for a spin. She sported her beautiful new, cotton-candy themed tricycle in adorable fashion. Don’t forget to peep the cute front basket!


“That’s dedication to the community,” said Massachusetts State Police officials.

“Thank you Trooper Burke for going extra on this one!” We definitely need more upstanding officers in our community to help those in need. It’s unfortunate that these things occur, but trooper Burke has shown it just takes an act of kindness to lead the way by example. Kudos to you trooper Burke!


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