Identical triplets make headlines with their impressive career achievements
Identical in looks, unique in careers. These triplets each landed their dream job against all odds. 🌟
Jake Manning

The Yeckes triplets, Sierra, Kassidy, and Haley, have faced a staggering array of challenges throughout their lives.

Despite growing up without parents, homes, and sometimes even basic necessities, these remarkable sisters have managed to graduate high school and begin their college journey.

They attribute their success to the unbreakable bond they share.

Sierra expressed to 3 News Las Vegas, “The three of us have relied on each other as a support system and that helped a lot actually, so I think if we hadn’t had that, if we were all single children or if we were even different ages we’d be in a different situation.”


Their early years were marked by tragedy and instability.

At just three months old, they lost their mother, and their father was incarcerated, leaving them in the care of their grandmother, who didn’t prioritize education.

Consequently, they didn’t attend school until they were eight.

When their father was released, they lived with him for a time, but he was often absent, leaving the girls to fend for themselves.


The triplets’ lives took another dark turn when their house was shot at early one morning.

Haley recalls the chilling coincidence, “There were three bullets, three of us.”

This event led them to move in with their other grandparents, where they faced further neglect, lacking adequate food, clothing, and other essentials.


Despite these hardships, the sisters showed incredible resilience and determination.

They took on jobs, including babysitting and working at Albertson’s grocery store, to support themselves.

Their daily routine was a grueling cycle of walking to school, then to work, and back home, often late at night.

Haley shared insights into their survival strategy, saying, “You learn what to avoid, and to follow the street lights kind of thing, and to look over your shoulder.”


Remarkably, all three girls maintained a 4.0-grade point average, earning them full scholarships to the University of Las Vegas.

Their academic achievements are a testament to their perseverance and dedication, despite the overwhelming odds they faced.


The community recognized their efforts and provided them with additional support on their graduation day.

Each sister received a car, a year’s worth of free car insurance and gas, and $5,000 for books and other expenses.

One of the sisters expressed her excitement about this new chapter, “I’m so excited because we’ll get to live on campus and actually want to go home at the end of the day and we’ll finally have a place to solidly do our work.”


Throughout their journey, the triplets maintained a positive outlook, which they believe was crucial in overcoming their challenges.

Hayley advised, “Just remember – there is more to life than the problems you face today or the problems you face tomorrow.

There is always something you can achieve.”


Their incredible story has touched and inspired many who have heard it.

Valley High social worker Sarah Garcia reflected on their journey, saying, “I think they’re little miracles. They’ve had a million reasons not to succeed, and a million and 10 that they have been succeeding.”


The Yeckes triplets’ story is a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit and the unyielding bond of sisterhood.

Their resilience, determination, and positive attitude have not only changed their own lives but have also inspired countless others.

You can watch their inspiring story and see how they’ve turned their struggles into a source of strength and motivation below!

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