Owning dogs is like an insane combination of having a best friend, a child, and a Tasmanian devil running through your house all in one! Sure, they’re devoted, loyal, loving, protective, and a lot of fun. On the other hand, they can be little terrorists that keep you on your toes every day of the year, and that’s where dog shaming comes into play!

Dog shaming is something that dog owners do when their lovable pups do something so crazy, uncouth, or downright dumb, that they feel their dog needs to be publicly humiliated with a sign of confession. The hope is that it will prevent the dogs from doing it again in the future. Whether it’s for peeing where they aren’t supposed to or embarrassing their owners out in public, there are myriad reasons that people come up with to shame their dogs.

Thankfully for us, a lot of these dog shaming photos are way too funny not to share! We don’t know if public shaming really works on these dogs or not, but they definitely make for some pretty epic LMFAO material. Here are 50 dog shaming photos that will make even the crankiest of people die of laughter!