A celebrity sighting is often exciting, though some folks are pretty good at keeping their cool and acting nonchalant about it. You’re either the type who doesn’t even bat an eye despite sitting right across a famous celebrity, or someone who can’t resist asking for a photo (and maybe an autograph, if that’s still a thing today).
Kids are a different story when it comes to seeing celebrities.

They’re so honest and pure, that their reactions are just too precious for words.
While there’s always the possibility of kids blurting out something either sweet, comical, or mortifying in the presence of a celebrity, the cuteness and innocence just outweigh it all.

This little flower girl was being escorted as she proceeded to carry out her wedding duties.
Everything seemed to be going pretty well.
Photographers just inches from her were snapping away and she didn’t seem to mind one bit. Nor did she seem fazed at the fact that all eyes were on her.

Because her eyes landed on someone very, very familiar to her and she couldn’t help but stare.

Seated on the last row was American rapper, singer, and songwriter, Future.

Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Future started out with a series of mixtapes sometime between 2010 and 2011. He then signed a major record label deal and shortly after, released his debut album in 2012. Things just kept getting better from there. His next album called “Honest”, released in 2014, soared on the charts.
Then between late 2014 and 2015, he released three mixtapes which all did exceedingly well on the charts.
He also has an incredible collaboration with Drake.

So aside from his massive talent and incredible songwriting skills, he’s also made a name for himself in the fashion industry because of his unique style.
He’s pretty easy to spot because of his trademark hairstyle: blond dreadlocks.

His longtime stylist Shekinah Anderson has been taking care of styling the rapper’s hair since they were 16 years old, when Future got his first set of dreads.
Shekinah shares,
“His hair is something like his strength.”

The charming flower girl was probably overcome with curiosity and awe not just at seeing the rapper up close and personal but at his striking hairstyle, too.

She was slowly being ushered down the aisle but she couldn’t help but look back on the rapper. Wedding guests just couldn’t resist taking photos of the encounter.

And how did Future react? No nonchalance here.
He was as warm and friendly as can be, sitting quietly in place while smiling at the little girl.

Nothing else seemed to matter to the flower girl. Not the stunning set up of the outdoor wedding ceremony, not the stylishly dressed guests.
Her attention was on Future and he was obviously quite charmed by it.
Her reaction to seeing him probably warmed his heart. Despite being used to crowds, photographs, and pretty much being stared at wherever he goes, the rapper was obviously delighted at the flower girl’s reaction.

Being gawked at by fans in public is one thing, but seeing that look of curiosity and admiration by a sweet little girl is something else altogether.
Watch her precious reaction below!
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