Toddler in pajamas gets sent to steal package off porch
The actions of the adult and child were caught on film.
Eduardo Gaskell

It’s like Thorin Oakenshield and his company of dwarves recruiting Bilbo Baggins as their “burglar”.

Except that was cute and this isn’t. A pint-sized porch pirate was caught on security cameras stealing Amazon packages under the influence and direction of a fully grown adult.


You can actually see the kid in pajamas make her way towards a package before she grabs it and runs away. And outside is an adult scouring the area trying to look as casual as he can.

Homeowner Sierra Zamora couldn’t believe her eyes.


It wasn’t anything to valuable but stealing is stealing. And for an adult to direct this little girl is disturbing and just horrifying. The last thing we need is a criminal influencing kids.

The package contained a part for her laptop’s charger.


Poor kid looked confused before taking the package Zamora had been waiting for. And on the month of Christmas too. Who would’ve thought Ebenezer Scrooge would come back?

Please don’t be too hard on this kid, Santa.


The Fresno, California homeowner was expecting her package so when she couldn’t find it on her doorstep, she decided to check her security camera. It was there that she saw the little thief.

“It was just sad to see. The saddest part is they were in their pajamas. Whoever it was just got them out of their car in their PJs to come steal this package,” said Zamora.

She’s lived there for eleven years and has never had anything stolen. Not from her porch, not inside her house, or anywhere.


It’s a shocking moment to watch for sure, but to realize that it was an adult directing a child in her pajamas is a different level of horrible.


The possible consequences of this act was nailed by a viewer.

“That’s horrible. I remember being a kid. Anything that I saw other people do, I thought was normal and I would repeat the same behavior on my own. This kid is likely to someday be walking home from school one day and grab a package on the way thinking that’s what they’re supposed to do. There is nothing more damaging to a kid than being punished for something and not understanding why.”

Somebody please find that adult.


It may not have been anything too valuable but who knows if this kid starts stealing from others. Stuff that’s actually pretty expensive. That adult is the director and he’d want more like most thieves do.

“To see a child being instructed by an adult to come steal something or do anything like that, it was really shocking and sad to see,” Zamora said.


Maybe the best way to catch the pint-sized pirate is to leave candy and cookies by the porch when expecting a package. That way, they can catch the little thief. But please don’t hurt her.

Let her lead authorities to that adult. And let him spend the holidays in prison.

Watch the shocking footage below!

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