Computers and the internet have become essential. Almost all jobs in the world involve the daily use of computers. Also, in the US nowadays over 89% of homes have computers in them. And to almost all computer and laptop users, their devices are basically useless without an internet connection.
In fact, it’s almost hard to remember a time when computers and the internet were seen as things that were only for nerds. Nowadays, it’s weird for someone to not have a computer or not surf the web.
But for things that people use on an almost constant basis, computers and the internet sure can be hard to use sometimes! Everyone experiences computer rage now and then. Whether it’s about freezes, unexpected shutdowns, spam mail, popups, the struggle to Google the thing that you’re looking for or one of millions of other things, the information age is downright annoying.
For those who wish for a way to use computers and the internet more easily, there’s good news. This slideshow will showcase the best tips and tricks for navigating computers and the online world. After reading most of these, you’ll be amazed that you didn’t know them before!
Accidentally Closed A Tab? Hit Ctrl/Command, Shift And T!
We’ve all closed a tab and struggled to remember what the exact url of the page was when we needed it back. If you accidentally just closed a tab, most web browsers will reopen it if you press Ctrl, Shift and T on a PC or Command, Shift and T on a Mac.
Want To Charge Your Laptop Faster? Put It On Airplane Mode
If you’re not using the internet, then this can be a real timesaver! Things like WiFi and Bluetooth have an effect on your laptop’s charge speed. Putting the device on airplane mode fixes this, meaning that you can be on the go faster!
Turn Night Shift Mode On, Or Download The App That Does It
Computer screens have been hurting eyes for years. Luckily, many computers now have in built applications to reduce a screen’s brightness in accordance with the time of day. If your computer doesn’t have this, then you can install a free app that’ll do it for you. It’s called f.lux and can be found here.
Internet Running Slow? It Could Be Because Someone’s Stealing WiFi
Over one third of Americans have tried to steal someone else’s WiFi. And having lots of people on a network can mean that the internet gets slower for everyone. To see if anyone is on your WiFi who you don’t want on it, use this app. If there are devices that you don’t know, then change the WiFi password to something hard (i.e. not “password”)
We all make mistakes as we type. Some of them we don’t catch right away. But making your computer talk back what you’re typing can help. This can make you look less stupid online and cut down on time spent going over your documents. To make your computer speak, you just need to paste this text into Notepad and save it.
Just like your Facebook account and your computer itself, individual files can be protected with passwords. There are a range of applications that you can download to do this. Here’s a really good one, called Folder Protect.
Mice are incredibly useful tools for navigating a computer, until they aren’t. If your mouse stops working or runs out of batteries, you can still use your computer with ease. Just go to Windows’s Control Panel and find the Ease of Access section. Inside this, there is another section called Ease of Access Center. Click on this. Go to the tab called Mouse and tick the box that says Use MouseKeys. If your keyboard has a numeric keypad, then you can also plress Alt, Shift and Num Lock. This will make the arrow buttons on your keypad into a mouse.
It’s always annoying to accidentally close a tab that you needed. But if you right click a tab and scroll down to Pin Tab, then it will become unclosable until you select Unpin Tab in exactly the same way!
If you’re trying to watch a YouTube video and you open up another tab and it starts playing sound, then that’s incredibly annoying! But instead of pausing your video, going into the other tab and looking for what is making the noise, you can just right click a tab and press Mute site.
Can’t Work Out What To Tip? Just Type (Or Speak) It Into Google
Working out a tip can be frustrating at the best of times. When you have to split it among bunch of different people, then it can become an impossible task! But Google has a built in tip calculator that even divides it by the number of people. Why did they even teach math in school when Google can just do it for you!?
Instead of opening up Microsoft Word, just type notes into your web browser. There are a couple of ways to do this. The easiest is to just type data:text/html, <html contenteditable> into the address bar. This works for all web browsers. However, these notes don’t save. For something that saves, if you use Google Chrome, you can install this extension.
YouTube is a great site, but it can look cluttered sometimes. However, you can make it look smoother if, after you go to the home page, you just add /TV onto YouTube’s web url and press enter.
Is It Hard To Read Text On A Web Browser? Just Zoom In
Pressing Ctrl and + makes your web browser zoom in. You can keep zooming in until you get to 500% greater than the web page’s normal size. To zoom out, just press Ctrl and -.
You don’t need to drag the mouse to the backwards and forwards buttons on the top let of the screen. Instead, you can just press Alt and the left arrow and Alt and the right arrow.
Instead of using a media player to play videos, you can just drag the video into Google Chrome, and it will start playing. Chrome only plays AVI, MPEG and MP4 video files. It also plays MP3 audio files.
Google has a number of games built into its search function. That means that you don’t need to open Solitaire outside of your web browser any more, as it’s in Google. If you’re bored of Solitaire, then just type in Tic-Tac-Toe, Pac-Man or a range of other games to get playing instantly!
When you’re creating a new account on a website and it asks you to type in a password, the text will just appear as little dots. If you want to make sure that you’re typing the right thing in, then you can check. You need to right click in the password box, click Inspect element. It should highlight to you the part of the page that has the coding for the password. Then, where it says type=”password” you just need to change password to say text. This sound complex, but it’s actually really easy once you try it once.
and then add site that you’re worried about after the equal sign. Google will tell you whether or not it thinks it’s safe and how it has assessed this score.
Make Gifs From YouTube Videos With Very Little Effort
Just go to the YouTube video that you want to convert, type in gif before youtube in the url and hit enter. You’ll be taken to a page on that will allow you to convert any part of the video into a gif.
Instead of copying the image or saving the image from the internet, you can just copy its URL, go to Paint, press file and open, and then paste the url into the text box that appears.
Instead of deleting every single letter, you can hold down ctrl when typing to remove an entire word. All those seconds saved backspacing will add up eventually!
Sometimes Google Chrome will start playing up. Instead of shutting the whole thing down, you can just hit Shift and Esc to bring up Chrome’s Task Manager. This will allow you to shut down parts of Chrome instead of everything!
Need To Show Someone How To Do Something? Windows Has Just The Tool
If you type PSR into your computer’s search bar (the one next to the windows button on Windows 10,) you can open an app that records every action that you take on a computer. You can then show these steps to anyone to show them how to do something in exactly the right way.
If you hit Ctrl and F, then a box appears that allows you to type in any word or phrase. The web browser or application that you’re using will then locate the uses of that word or phrase and let you find them instantly. This is built in to most softwares that have words in them! Software that lets you change the text in a document, like Word, also lets you change the typed in word or phrase throughout the document instantly.
Use Google To Search The Contents Of Only A Specific Website
If you type into Google the website that you want to visit, for example,, and then hit tab instead of enter you will be able to type in a specific search. The search results that show up will only be from the website that you typed in beforehand. This only works for some sites, however!
Forgotten The Words To A Famous Phrase? Google Will Tell You
If you’re trying to remember something famous that someone once said, it can be difficult to remember every word. However, if you go to Google, type in a quotation mark, type in the words of the phrase that you remember, put in asterisk to replace forgotten words and end it with another quotation mark, the Google search should tell you what that phrase was.
Keep Getting Distracted Online? Lock Out The Distracting Sites For A While
If you find yourself being drawn to Facebook, Twitter and other sites that can easily drain away an entire day’s productivity, then there’s good news. There are applications that you can install that allow you to lock access to those sites for periods of time, allowing you to get on with work. Stay Focused is one such application which can be installed into Google Chrome.
If you want to see all of the sites that an image appears on, then place the mouse icon over the image, press S and right click. A new Google search tab will appear showing all of the times that that image has been used recently.
If you Google something and the thing that you’re looking for doesn’t show up, then look at the results that do come up. If the results all feature a word that you don’t want included, then go back to the search and add that word with the minus symbol, meaning -, before the word. The search will then filter out any articles that use that word.
Autoplaying videos can be so distracting. But there’s an easy way to get past this. Just go to and then click Video and then press Off. Not more autoplaying videos.
Now this is sneaky. You can upload a file to, which deliberately breaks a file. You can claim that the file got corrupted without your knowledge to play for some extra time.
Computers and the internet have become essential. Almost all jobs in the world involve the daily use of computers. Also, in the US nowadays over 89% of homes have computers in them. And to almost all computer and laptop users, their devices are basically useless without an internet connection.
In fact, it’s almost hard to remember a time when computers and the internet were seen as things that were only for nerds. Nowadays, it’s weird for someone to not have a computer or not surf the web.
But for things that people use on an almost constant basis, computers and the internet sure can be hard to use sometimes! Everyone experiences computer rage now and then. Whether it’s about freezes, unexpected shutdowns, spam mail, popups, the struggle to Google the thing that you’re looking for or one of millions of other things, the information age is downright annoying.
For those who wish for a way to use computers and the internet more easily, there’s good news. This slideshow will showcase the best tips and tricks for navigating computers and the online world. After reading most of these, you’ll be amazed that you didn’t know them before!