You hear people talk about being a ’90s or ’80s baby all of the time, but what does that really mean? Whether you’re a Gen Z kid trying to learn more or a millennial who is feeling nostalgic, you will enjoy these relatable photos.
1) Cleaning The Mouse
Cleaning your mouse is easy these days. You just wipe the service. But back in the day, we had to take our mouse apart to wipe it down. If we didn’t, it got all crusty and wouldn’t even budge.
2) Mix Tape For You, Baby
If you didn’t have a CD case full of custom CDs, then you weren’t cool. Most of them had obcure names like “Best 2001” and “XD <3” because we all liked secret meanings. Just don’t forget to mix it up.
3) Much More Meaning
When we use idioms that really resonate with our inner being, we’re more likely to use them correctly. These reference speak to the angsty teens that we all were at some point. Funny how we all thought we were unique.
4) Training For Minimum Wage
Why did we all have a cash register set like it was our dream to work at a grocery store? We even had little carts so we could pretend to shop and came up with the strangest prices for things. That’ll be twenty dollars for that ketchup and two coins for that gold necklace.
5) Watching This For Hours
Most people don’t even use screensavers anymore. When they do, it’s a slideshow of photos they found online. Back in the day, most screensavers consisted of the default bubbles or pipes that were super fun to watch.
6) Crank That, Crank That
Kids these days will never understand just how popular Soulja Boy was. Especially “Crank That” which everyone called Soulja boy ironically. It was quite confusing to those who weren’t fans.
7) Saving These Seats
McDonald’s filthy play place was the spot where dreams came true. We all wanted to go there every day of our lives. The Happy Meal toy, the ball pit, and these seats we fought over. They don’t even have dirty ball pits anymore.
8) No One Knew The Lyrics
It’s the truth. No one knew the lyrics to this song by Fall Out Boy, but it make us feel angsty in a good way. At least Fall Out Boy has aged well and still comes out with amazing songs that even Zoomers love.
9) Taste The Ice Chips
These kind of cups included the best kind of ice. Only found at Pizza Hut, usually, these red cups with that wavy texture just give you a good filling. Let’s hope they still have the Big New Yorker.
10) Must Be Young
If you say each letter individually in 90210, I don’t know what to tell you. If you don’t know what city the zip code belongs to, then Weezer, the Beverly Hillbillies, and Tori Spelling will be ashamed of you.
11) The Collection
We all know the feeling of finding out someone taped over your favorite show or movie. You spent months waiting for it to play again and finally got it recorded. Only to find out a week later that someone recorded a Friends rerun over it.
12) Her Yellow SUV
Now you’ll have this song stuck in your head for days! Bowling for Soup had quite a few good ones but “1985” stuck out like a diamond. Most ’90s kids sung it like they were ’70s kids who felt Debbie’s pain.
13) Scented Were Even Better
From scented markers to marker stamps, you could really dress up a notebook with these things. You had to pick a favorite that was your “signature” and you hoped your favorite shape matched up with your favorite color.
14) Worse Than Windows 10 Errors
We think we have it bad now with the constant updates, but the errors in Windows 98 and 2000 were worse. Sometimes, they would even get stuck on a blue or black screen and never move on.
15) Chandler Knows Best
They still use celebrities to sell stuff in 2020, but Windows 95 really knew what it was doing when they used Friends characters to sell the video guide to Windows 95. After all, Chandler was the best with computers.
16) Mr. Brightside
Y’all know “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers. Well, apparently, this guy did not know because he did not find it amusing when the reference was made. Either that or he was too depressed about his relationship.
17) Make Lemonade
It was never a good thing when this happened to you, but it at least swirling it around was fun until you figured out how to close them all. We really do take technology for granted sometimes. We’ve come a long way.
18) The Best Day In Class
It was such a relief to see that TV in the classroom. You didn’t even mind going and getting it because it meant an easy day. The ones in Science class were the best! Thanks, Bill Nye, we still believe in you.
19) Forgetting To Rewind
Not rewinding your tape from blockbuster automatically made you a bad person. Everyone rewound their tape! And did anyone else feel nervous putting it in and out in fear of breaking the label?
20) It Was Worse Before
Before these days you had to use Limewire and that was dangerous for everyone. But I have to admit, the YouTube to MP3 route did take forever, although the quality was always good if you got the official video.
21) But Wait, There’s More
These little bug boxes were so adorable. It made you feel like someone was proposing to you. When you could find unique animals or objects inside instead of the classic beatle or ladybug, your day was made.
22) Ever Think About That?
David Letterman was trying to be encouraging, but to be fair, the other guy has a valid point. T-Pain was a legend, and at first, he was judged so harshly for teaching people to alter their voices.
23) Now We’re Friends
Remember asking an adult to start one of these for you? They were the best! You could choose your favorite colors and even give them to boys because anyone will accept a keychain. Who has a matching set?
24) A Private Conversation
There’s a reason teens always wanted their own phones in their rooms. Everyone loves a good lip phone, anyway. It was hard to have a private conversation on a landline. You gotta social distance.
25) Classic MySpace
All that mattered on MySpace was that your profile was dope and that you were in someone’s top eight spaces. The connecting with other people didn’t really happen until Facebook. Although bands held on for a long time.
26) Show Me What You Got
There’s nothing quite like looking through each others’ CD books. You may slip a few out before they look because we all have our guilty pleasures. And don’t forget to say, “there’s two in some of the slots.”
27) I’m Just A Kid
Honestly, yeah. But we know that the real anthem really belongs to Simple Plan who seem to know exactly how kids in that time thought. Cheaper By The Dozen proved that. Every kid loved those movies.
28) Get That Workout In
Rolling these windows up and down was no joke. You had to make sure you did it until there was no give, and there was nothing more frustrating than a window that didn’t roll down all the way.
29) There’s Only One Left
If you had a Blockbuster card, your weekend was lit. Whether it was family time, or a chance to hang out with friends, everyone went to Blockbuster on the weekend to pick out a great set of movies.
30) It Never Fit Right
They never made CD Walkmans and jacket pockets compatible. The player was too big! When you tried to do it on a girl’s jacket, it was even worse. If a clothing company caught on to this, they would have sold out.
31) Anyone Else Feel That?
If you literally winced when you read this, then you have taken a Razor scooter to the shin or ankle and it hurt. When he says ankle, he means the bone that sticks out on the side, not a nice soft spot.
32) Where Are The Gems?
Trolls have been cool for over half a century now. You were lucky if you got the big ones with a gem on his belly button, but for those who couldn’t, you got the pencil toppers. Which mean you couldn’t erase, but who cares?
33) Just A Baby
It feels like 2010 was just a few years ago, so that means 2005 isn’t that long ago either. But those kids are now teenagers, which feels surreal, because aren’t we supposed to be teenagers?
34) The Ancient Notebook
Keeping up with everyone’s phone number was a hassle. If you could, you memorized them all, which was impressive, but you had to write them down just in case you forgot. You even knew your own number at this time!
35) This Still Exists
Apparently, making word art is still nearly as popular as it used to be. Although the people using it now are probably in their 30s and don’t know that there are better ways to make “word art” than using WordArt.
36) Thanks, George
Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun. You heard it. Why is this show always on in the middle of the night? Does no one watch it of a day time? It’s worse than Everybody Loves Raymond to wake up to. Where is Billy Mays when you need him?
37) The Bigger, The Better
Dragging your pants is cool. If your pants didn’t touch the ground, you were kind of lame. Ankle pants didn’t become cool until the 2010s. But don’t be surprised if most ’90s kids won’t wear them.
38) They Pop In Your Mouth
The cold heat, texture, and everything starts coming back to me with these. The best Ice Breakers are still the sours and the wintergreen, but you know, these were still amazing. Plus, the box is the coolest.
39) Unlucky Common Name
If you had a common name like John Smith, it would take an hour for someone to find your name. If they didn’t know exactly where you lived, they might have to look through multiple phone books.
40) Don’t Catch Any Cooties
You probably made one of these at least once a week in school. Sometimes, it had stuff about kissing, falling in love, and other silly things. But other times, it was a way to get out your aggressions.
41) Lil Jon Don’t Tell No Lies
Maybe Lil Jon wasn’t the classiest artist, but everyone knew the lyrics to “369” even if you didn’t listen to the song. It was like “867-5309” and you’re welcome for getting that song stuck in your head.
42) Lose One And It’s Over
These pencils were cool and all until you lose one of the sections and your pencil becomes unusable. That’s why the mechanical pencils that you push the eraser to use are the best. You get to keep the graphite box full.
43) Using Numbers Is Cool
This is when it started becoming cool to use numbers in place of letters. Although to be fair, “Jar of Hearts” was a little behind our times, sorry Christina Perri, you do rock. But most of us were at least in our teens at this time.
44) But Do You Have These?
Collecting stickers was a lot of fun. Some kids got the really common ones but other kids went through the extra effort to actually collect the ones that no one else had. They were overachievers.
45) Please Don’t Take This The Wrong Way
The acronym “lol” has been around longer than you think. It used to mean “lots of love” until we changed it to “laughing out loud” which was a way to lighten the mood when texting. Which took a lot of effort on old cell phones.
46) Click, Hover, Hover, Click
On the first PCs, you had to click multiple times to pull up the program that you wanted. If you wanted to play Pinball (which was awesome) you had to hover over the correct folder to get it. If you moved off of it, you had to start over.
47) Burn Or Shock
Do you prefer the fire or lightning element? Those are your two choices when playing on the playground. I don’t even know what kind of slides they have these days but I hope they have moved on to something that isn’t painful.
48) Cooler Than A Graph Calc
This was one of the first smart devices. Sure, it didn’t connect to the internet, but it did just about everything else. If you had this, you weren’t just cool, you were rich. Might as well have an intercom system too.
49) Everyone Had This Belt
I had this belt, only the buckle was in pink so I guess that means it’s unique. Why everyone was obsessed with this belt, we’ll never know, but they were. It’s like it was the only one that was available.
50) Not To Be Confused With The Original
These didn’t sell as well as they’d hoped but it was still awesome to have a “portable” PlayStation, even if the screen was the worst quality. Most of us would rather have a portable N64, but you work with what you have.
51) We All Have The Same Memory
It seems impossible for all of us to have this specific memory but for some reason, we do. Let’s go the candy mountain, Charlie! You can still hear their voices in your head. But don’t forget muffins!
52) Blocking In Real Life
This is the correct way to block someone in real life. They can’t call you, they’ll just get the busy signal. Or just put it down while they are talking, which still actually works but this is so much more satisfying.
53) There’s Going To Be Ambiguous Shots
It’s impossible to get a disposable camera and not have a ton of horrible photos. There may be some good ones, but it feels like you have no idea what you’re actually capturing in the end.
54) It’s Been 84 Years
Dial-up was the worst! It took forever to connect to the internet and an eternity to download anything at all. Good luck trying to look at a picture that someone e-mails you, it will never load.
55) This Exact Playlist
Who didn’t have an MP3 player almost exactly like this. The red was definitely the best and you could keep all the songs your parents didn’t want you to listen to on it. I met a girl down at the disco.
56) The Cool Kid TV
Although the quality wasn’t the best, everyone thought the TVs with the built-in VCRs were the coolest. It didn’t really save up that much space but the mere thought of it was enough to make everyone want one.
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