You have to do things to get noticed in this economy and one restaurant in Texas has done just that. They have been posting hilarious jokes on the sign in front of their location and posting it to Instagram as well. If their business fails, they might actually have a career in comedy to fall back on.
How To Impress With A Car
Some people just aren’t impressed with a nice sports car, Cadillac, or even a stretched limousine. For some, the most impressive vehicle comes equipped with tacos, hamburgers, and sugary, high caloric drinks.
Tequila-based philosophy is not the most studied type of philosophy by academics. although there are plenty of people who abide by it. This nugget of wisdom reminds everyone to be the one who is chased and not the chaser.
This Gender Reveal Party Is Not What We Thought It Was
Have you ever gone to a party and realized you are dressed inappropriately? Evidently, whoever wrote this sign went to a gender reveal party and was likely not the most popular person in the room.
Shakira and JLo once performed at the halftime show of the Super Bowl. As it turns out, the football game was the least important of those two things.
Have You Heard The New Single From Beanie Eyelash?
The person coming up with these new signs is evidently not hip to new music. We’re not sure if this Beanie Eyelash person is related to Billie Eilish… they are probably two entirely different people.
The Difference Between Dogs and Cats
This sign perfectly sums up the difference between dogs and cats. Dogs are filled with love and affection and cats are filled with murderous instincts.
If you’re ever feeling down, or like you are just not very talented, you should always remember the advice on this sign. Your are unique and special just like everyone else!
Evidently, the person who put up the sign this morning is not too fond of running into people they know while grocery shopping. Also, they like eggs.
The first rule of Fight Club in the movie Fight Club with Brad Pitt and Ed Norton is to not talk about Fight Club. The first rule of the passive aggressive club is, well, you can read it for yourself, it’s fine.
This pickup line only works on October 10th. Also, it very often does not work on October 10th either.
Remember MySpace? El Arroyo Does
Do you remember MySpace? The amount of people who do is decreasing all the time. The person who put up this sign remembers, they also remember having to publicly rank their friends.
You know there’s actually no reason for them to have singled out hipsters here but we’re not complaining. A good pun is a good pun, and this here, is a good pun.
This Is A Legit Question Many People Have
In your dog’s head, they have some type of name for you. It’s most likely related to food. It might also be Steve. We really have no idea what dog’s name us.
This restaurant doesn’t really strike us as the type of place that you would bring somebody on Valentine’s Day, so they likely aren’t going to lose any business with this attempt at poetry here.
Tequila-based Grammar Lessons
Tequila is usually a substance that does not aid in proper grammar or punctuation. In this case, however, an important note about commas is made.
Santa Claus Is Real, Though
We’re not sure if this sign is saying that Santa Claus doesn’t exist and/or that essential oils won’t really allow us to live forever. Regardless, it’s good to believe in things, even if you know those things aren’t true. Wait, that’s probably bad advice.
The Benefits of Coffee vs The Benefits Of Alcohol
Coffee has many benefits. It can wake us up, it can get us moving, but for some purposes, alcohol is a more fitting drink.
Well, technically this person is reading more if they put subtitles on their tv. It might be a technicality, but they’ve achieved their New year’s resolution. Congrats sign maker!
Learning From Your Mistakes
We should all learn from our mistakes. Many of our mistakes involve saying something that we shouldn’t have. Unfortunately, we usually only learn this lesson after.
Maybe Don’t Order Eggs From There
This restaurant might not be the best place to go for breakfast. You can have eggs, you just can’t determine how they’re cooked, that’s left up to chance.
Some Minutes Are Longer Than Others
Not all minutes are the same length. It takes forever to cook something in the microwave for a minute but it takes our snooze button a much quicker minute to go off again.
Able To Speak With Dolphins
Some of these signs venture a little into dad joke territory and we’re wondering just what is the parenting status of whoever put up this sign. Something tells us there were disapproving groans when this sign went up.
This sign, while funny, is actually not true. Boiling a funny bone can become a criminal investigation really quickly. We advise caution in this area.
Complaints About Apple Products
You know how you will always see celebrities and people with social media clout complaining about companies on social media? Well, for this restaurant, their sign is their social media and so they are engaging in the same behavior.
As The Seasons Change, So Do We
We are not the same people in winter as we are in summer. We are not the same people in Autumn as we are in spring. This sign still has puns no matter what time of year it is, however.
The Truth About New Years
This sign perfectly sums up the truth about New years. It’s about heavy drinking, hangovers, and broken promises you make to yourself. Enjoy the season!
Evidently, this Texas-based restaurant has had enough of changing weather. Just pick a temperature already! Stop being all wishy-washy with what type of day it’s going to be.
These Are Stressful Times
Don’t you love when people tell you not to stress about something? Like it is some type of choice you can make. Well, whoever put up this sign this morning has had enough of people acting like that.
Maybe Don’t Login To HBO Go While In The Restaurant
You might be thinking to yourself, I’ll grab a meal at this restaurant by myself and watch HBO Go on my phone. You shouldn’t do that, they will steal your login information.
We figure what happened here is that someone attempted to request the day off work and were promptly told to put up the sign outside instead. Regardless, we’re not sure how much longer this employee worked there for.
I got this doll from Russia. Inside, there was another doll from Russia. Inside that doll, there was another doll from Russia. Why is this a thing? Who is this for?
Foul Language Is Subjective
What is and is not a swear word or foul language is subjective. In this case, the restaurants has a unique way of describing words many would call swears.
Jokes About Political Assassinations
Julius Caesar was assassinated when members of the Roman senate stabbed him. This sign is a joke about his death! We could ruin the joke and mention that the Caesar salad is actually named after Italian restauranteur Caesar Cardini and not Julius Caesar but we won’t do that. Actually, it seems we just did that.
Sometimes, It’s Better Not To Remember
Do you ever think of the trauma that memory foam mattresses go through? All of those things they feel, and witness, and they are just unable to forget no matter how hard they try!
Don’t Forget To Tip Your Server, Preferably In Cash
We’re not certain if this restaurant has a full bank inside its walls, but they seem to be expressing some distaste for ATMs and the fees that they charge. Don’t forget to tip your server, preferably in cash.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
You have to do things to get noticed in this economy and one restaurant in Texas has done just that. They have been posting hilarious jokes on the sign in front of their location and posting it to Instagram as well. If their business fails, they might actually have a career in comedy to fall back on.