Teen boy steps onto dance floor with partner and soon his legs turn into rubber
I'm amazed he can move like that! Both are phenomenal dancers.
Jenny Brown

One audience was in for quite the treat when dance partners Kayla Henley and Jeremy Webb took the stage. It was at the National SHAG Dance Championships – but not everyone knew how awesome the teens were until they started to move.

All the duo needed was some music, two pairs of feet, and the enthusiasm of the crowd behind them. The rest would be magic.

YouTube - Stages Video Productions
YouTube - Stages Video Productions

Meet Kayla and Jeremy

The two of them just looked like average kids when they stepped out in front of the judges and the audience. Even their matching attire had a touch of casualness thanks to Kayla’s brown sandals that contrasted with their semi-formal black and white clothing and Jeremy’s black leather dancing shoes.

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YouTube - Stages Video Productions

However, once the music began, their fancy footwork and fast dance moves would charge the room with their contagious energy. They would soon have the people watching completely absorbed in the moment.

YouTube - Stages Video Productions
YouTube - Stages Video Productions

It all started with a familiar tune

“Flip, Flop, Fly” was originally sung by Big Joe Turner and His Blues Kings. It became instantly popular and reached number two on Billboard magazine’s R&B chart in 1955. After that, other artists began to pick up the song and make it their own. Among the legends to sing “Flip, Flop, and Fly” were Elvis Presley, Johnnie Ray, and Jerry Lee Lewis.

There is no denying the level of appeal that the song maintained over the years. Who would doubt it?

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Pixabay - Pexels

Burning up the dance floor

It’s when those lyrics began that the duo started what would end up earning them the winning spot of the Junior 2 Division at the National SHAG Dance Championships. The competition was fierce. In fact, the championship had to be held over three days to accommodate all the dancers. These two had moves that simply lifted them above the rest.

YouTube - Stages Video Productions
YouTube - Stages Video Productions

They began dancing, and their feet moved so fast that it took effort just to see where they went. They matched each other’s steps, and yet Jeremy’s fancy footwork became the true focus of the dance…

It’s as if his legs had morphed into rubber!

While you might assume that he’s just the better dancer of the pair, traditionally, the male is the centerpiece of shag dancing. These two were making sure to give their acknowledgment to the roots of shag, bringing the dance style back to life, and have some modern fun in the process.

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YouTube - Stages Video Productions

The response

Kayla and Jeremy quickly became crowd favorites at the competition, but it didn’t end there. People everywhere were watching their dancing feet. Their video on YouTube has more than 2.5 million views, and those don’t even include the countless views they have had on social media.

One YouTube commenter put it this way:

“First time I ever heard this song and seen anyone do this. I looked at others doing the same dance, and I must say this is the best. They were into the song and dancing. The others seemed to just be interested in the steps; these cats were enjoying the music too. Made it better than all the rest!”

YouTube - Stages Video Productions
YouTube - Stages Video Productions

Another commenter shared a similar sentiment:

“No kidding, this is awesome. Days gone by can come back in such a fun way. Keep up the great work, and enjoy the fun. You make it look so easy……”

We agree!

YouTube - Stages Video Productions
YouTube - Stages Video Productions

It’s one of those dance performances that will have you snapping along and keep you glued to the screen. Seriously, these two are good.

You can watch it for yourself below!

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