Teens are hilariously puzzled trying to figure out how to use rotary phone
Two teens were given 4 minutes to dial a number on a rotary phone. It's impossible to keep a straight face watching them in action.
Elijah Chan

One of the most telling differences between generations is the technology we use.

Technology has evolved so fast in the past decades that kids live with gadgets that are way different than their parents.

Flickr - Billy Brown
Flickr - Billy Brown

Since the phone was introduced in the second half of the 1800s, it has become one of the most ubiquitous pieces of technology ever invented. What started out as cones for speaking and listening, people can now talk to their friends anywhere in the globe through a tiny screen. But how did it come to this?

It was a learning moment for two teens when they found a โ€œstrangeโ€ phone.

In a video posted by Kevin Bumstead, two young guys saw something theyโ€™d never used before. They lifted a box and revealed a rotary phone.

Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead
Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead

To the uninitiated, this specific phone model can be mistaken as an antique. While it was phased out after keypads were invented, some people still kept theirs.

The teens knew it was a phone, however.

They just didnโ€™t know how the parts worked! They grew up in the age of just pushing buttons, so something as complicated as this didnโ€™t compute well in their heads.

Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead
Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead

Here comes the hilarious challengeโ€ฆ

The man behind the camera asked the teens to do a simple task โ€“ dial a specific number within four minutes. This might seem easy to a lot of people, but for these two, it felt like their breaking a vault dial.

They started โ€œdialingโ€ the number listed on the piece of paper.

Or at least they tried! They inspected the numbers and dial just to get a feel of how it works. But despite all their โ€œinvestigationโ€, the phone proved to be โ€œtoo complicatedโ€.

Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead
Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead

They tried โ€œdialingโ€ the number but stopped midway when they realized that they really didnโ€™t know what they were doing. The man behind the camera shared a hint, though. Something that would help them figure it out.

However, he just said that they got one number right.

They tried their best to use the information to their advantage but in the end, the phone still bested them.

Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead
Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead

To lift their spirits, though, a woman in the background said that everyone also had a hard time using it the first time.

Luckily, the teens didnโ€™t give up.

For one, they finally realized that they need to pick up and put the receiver on their ear before they started dialing. The woman even coached them that the sound can tell them if theyโ€™re doing things correctly.

Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead
Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead

They kept on trying and figuring out what the roles of the โ€œlittle holesโ€ on the dial were and came up with different conclusions. All of these didnโ€™t make sense still and at one point, they called themselves โ€œdumb.โ€

Who says technology is only difficult for older people?

Itโ€™s obvious the people in the background were having fun watching younger folks figure out the technology that came before them. Understandably, they couldnโ€™t help but giggle at different points.

Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead
Facebook Screenshot - Kevin Bumstead

Time was running out!

In the end, the teens gave up, finally admitting that there were things that were beyond the reach of their contemporary understanding. Teens โ€“ 0, rotary phone โ€“ 1.

Flickr - Bill Bradford
Flickr - Bill Bradford

Good thing weโ€™re onto keypads now because, by the looks of it, theyโ€™d do better just sending letters.


Watch the video below to see these two teens hilariously try to figure out a rotary phone. Nice try, guys!

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How do two 17 year olds dial a rotary phone?

Posted by Kevin Bumstead on Wednesday, December 26, 2018
