Teen shamed for wearing distracting outfit has funny response
To some her outfit was already modest, but when this teenage girl was forced to leave school because of her outfit, she gives the perfect response.
A.J. Gibson

Itโ€™s funny how when you link some idioms to real-life events; you see how valid and wise they are.

The idiom, in this case, is โ€œhe who laughs last laughs bestโ€ as the story of a lady who goes by the name Rose Lynn (on Facebook) is a suitable representation.


Rose Lynn is a Lawton Oklahoma student who faced a very embarrassing situation in her school. The case was so humiliating and demoralizing that most people would have delved into a bout of depression had it been them in her shoes.

Rose Lynn faced the humiliation of getting forced to go home because the school seemed her outfit โ€œdistracting.โ€

On that day, Rose Lynn was supposed to partake in a 20-minutes algebra class exam, but she got sent home.

She even pleaded with the school officials to at least permit her to write the exam, but it fell on deaf ears as they still disagreed and sent her home to change.

Rose Lynn was quite distraught, and she believed that her outfit caught the attention of the school officials because of her developed figure.

She proved her point via a photo she uploaded on Facebook of the outfit (which was not distracting or indecent at all) which consisted of a t-shirt, long cardigan, black leggings and boots.


And in the caption of the photo, she described the ordeal she went through and a sentence in the pretty long caption read โ€œBecause Iโ€™m developed farther than the average girl, Iโ€™m required to go home and changeโ€ โ€œBecause I look like a CURVY woman and may distract young boys, I have to miss classโ€ฆโ€

From those sentences, one can see how the whole incident had deeply disturbed Rose Lynn.

She even posted in the caption that the best thing the officials should have done wasnโ€™t to tell her to change; instead, they should teach young boys to respect the boundaries of young ladies,

which makes so much sense.

Rose Lynnโ€™s father Lance Miles agreed a hundred percent to his daughterโ€™s post, by adding in the comment section that โ€œif she had been built like a board or as round as a ball, she wouldnโ€™t have been sent home, but since she had a figure, she was told to she had to changeโ€

But Rose Lynn was not to be deterred. She didnโ€™t sit and hope; instead, she took matters into her hands. The next day, she retaliated against the school by wearing an over-sized T-shirt and black leggings.

The T-shirt read, โ€œIt doesnโ€™t cover your crotchโ€ on the front and the back, โ€œyouโ€™ll distract the boys.โ€

Rose Lynn in a white T-shirt with a message written on it


This was written on black sharpie.

But ironically, that day, Rose Lynn was summoned to the office and sent home yet again.

Not for her outfit though, but because she didnโ€™t have her student ID.
