Camera captures moment teen sprints to help elderly blind woman
This teen proves to be a hero.
Kirsten Spruch

We see people struggling almost every day. There are tons of people we pass on the street on a daily basis who clearly need help, whether they need money, someone to help them carry their baby’s stroller up a flight of stairs, or someone to help them cross the street.

When we encounter people in need, it is easy to brush them off, ignore them and move on with our lives because it is more convenient for us… However, there are good people out in the world who will put their own egos to the side and help someone in need when they see them.


A 15-year-old boy named Dontarius Caldwell is a fantastic example of this. He recently did something amazing and it made the whole world fall head over heels in love with him, proving that good deeds like these do not always go unnoticed.


He and his sister Diamond were waiting for the school bus in their hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio when they noticed an older woman trying to cross the sidewalk. She was having a difficult time trying to press the crosswalk button.

Diamond noticed that the elderly woman might be blind pretty much right away, so she suggested to Dontarius that he should go help her. Being the good brother he is, he obliged.


“I told Dontarius that I think she’s blind, you should get up and go help her, and he got up and went to go help her cross the street two times while I waited for the bus to come,” Diamond said.

“I was just trying to help, I really didn’t think I was going to be on camera,” Dontarius later told WLWT after a photo of him helping the elderly woman went viral on the Internet. “Diamond was listening to music and then she looked over, and then I looked over.”


“I said, ‘Ma’am, do you need some help?’ And she said, ‘Yeah.’ She gave me her hand and I held it,” Dontarius went on to explain.

The siblings are both in agreement when they explain that what they did wasn’t special — they were simply raised to do the right thing in situations like these. They know how to help people and the importance of doing good deeds like this and ultimately, they are setting up the world for an amazing future filled with kind hearts and positivity!


This story just broke last month, and Dontarius and his sister have already made the world proud — especially those in their community. People have found the WLWT video and commented saying that they are friends with Dontarius. Another person commented saying, “Kudos to you, young man and your parents who raised you well.”


We can’t stress just how important it is to help one another, especially today with so many anxiety-producing things are breaking in the news. It’s important to show that we have each other’s backs no matter what!

Watch Dontarius and Diamond explain the moment in the clip below.

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