Teen invites rejected classmate to Homecoming unaware her kindness will come back in huge way
Kylie was thrilled to ask Daniel to Homecoming, but never expected it would lead to an incredible 'thank you' gift from strangers.
Jake Manning

Most teens look forward to school events like football games and dances, seeing them as highlights of their high school experience.

These events are opportunities for socializing, making memories, and feeling part of a larger community.

However, not everyone gets the chance to enjoy these moments due to various challenges they may face.


Seventeen-year-old Daniel Rivas from Las Vegas had always wanted to attend the homecoming dance, a quintessential high school event.

Daniel, like many of his peers, looked forward to dressing up, enjoying the music, and sharing the evening with friends.

But there was one problem—Daniel didn’t have a date.


Daniel, who has Down syndrome, faced an additional challenge when it came to finding someone to go with him to the dance.

He mustered up the courage to ask a girl to be his date, only to be met with rejection.

This setback could have easily discouraged him, but Daniel’s story was far from over.


Enter Kylie Fronius, a classmate with a heart of gold.

Upon hearing about Daniel’s situation, Kylie decided to step in and make a difference.

She asked Daniel to be her date to the homecoming dance, turning his disappointment into joy.

Her gesture was not just about attending the dance; it was about showing kindness and inclusion.


Kylie’s perspective on kids with disabilities is inspiring.

She expressed that she doesn’t see kids with disabilities as different, but as normal people who simply learn differently.

This outlook is crucial in fostering a more inclusive and compassionate community.

Kylie’s willingness to see beyond Daniel’s disability and treat him like any other friend shows her beautiful character.


Daniel’s mother, Tonya, was deeply touched by Kylie’s act of kindness.

She appreciated that Kylie saw her son for who he is, rather than focusing on his disability.

Tonya’s gratitude was immense, knowing that such gestures of kindness can have a lasting impact on individuals and families.


The story caught the attention of Fox5 News, who featured it and struck a chord with many viewers.

The Fox5 Surprise Squad, led by Monica Jackson, decided to take the story further by planning a series of surprises for Daniel and Kylie.

Their goal was to make the night unforgettable for both teens.


One of the surprises included a Rolls Royce arranged to take Daniel and Kylie to the dance in style.

This luxurious ride was just the beginning.

Before the dance, the pair enjoyed a dinner date at a high-class local bistro, a place Daniel’s family had never been able to afford.

The evening was shaping up to be a dream come true for Daniel.


As they arrived at the school, Daniel and Kylie were greeted with a red carpet, adding to the evening’s glamour.

The Fox5 Surprise Squad didn’t stop there; they interrupted the dance with even more surprises that left everyone in awe.

The community’s support and the joy on Daniel’s face were unforgettable.

Watch below to see all of the incredible surprises for yourself!

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