Teen gives free sanitation kits to hundreds of people who are homeless
I can't believe we have people like her in the world!
Severin Lai

“They don’t have necessities right now that are crucial to remain clean and stay germ-free […] It’s important for people to step in and just do whatever they can, even if it helps just one person.” -Shaivi Shah

Wise words from Shaivi Shah, a fifteen-year-old saint dedicated to helping the homeless in these times of worry. Lucky for us, Shah is acting as a bright light in the darkness. She has recruited her classmates to help create low-cost sanitation kits for the homeless population of Los Angeles, California.

She has already put together more than 250 kits and delivered them to homeless shelters around the area. What an incredible thing to do!

Photo by Shaivi Shah
Photo by Shaivi Shah

The kits are modelled off of what Shah learned in science fairs regarding portable, low-cost medical devices. They contain hand sanitizer, soap, lotion, and, perhaps most impressively, a homemade reusable mask.

By making the masks herself, Shah is not only helping the homeless population, but everyone!

There is a huge demand for face masks right now because of COVID-19, so the more masks that are made at home by those with the means to, means more masks still available for purchase for those who lack the resources to make the masks themselves.

Photo by Shaivi Shah
Photo by Shaivi Shah

Of course, hand sanitizer is also in short supply right now, no doubt making it difficult for Shah to find bottles en masse for these sanitation kits.

Lucky for us, the WHO provides a recipe for safe, effective, homemade hand sanitizers!

It’s important to follow a recipe from a trusted source (Who better?.. Pun very much intended.) because other recipes found online can be ineffective or even dangerous.

Photo by Shaivi Shah
Photo by Shaivi Shah

Shah started off recruiting classmates and her parents to aid her in creating these kits, and after a positive response, created a GoFundMe page so people from all over could donate towards the cause! The idea was that the funds donated could help buy more materials for the sanitation kits, and if the response was positive and enough people donated, they would be able to expand the operation outside of Los Angeles. On the very first say, Shah raised $410!

Within nine days, there had been more than $13,000 donated of a $20,000 goal! As of writing this, the GoFundMe is sitting at $18,155! Great job, Shaivi!

Check out some of the great comments from donators below!

GoFundMe Comments
GoFundMe Comments

Most recently, Shah posted a picture of her donating 250 of the sanitation kits, a great milestone in her endeavours! We can’t wait to see how far she takes this, and who else she is able to help.

And this isn’t even the beginning of Shah’s selflessness!

She has had experience with charities in the past as well, when she raised thousands of dollars for a homeless shelter last year through a dance recital!

Shah has been putting the work in well before the crisis, and it comes from her not taking her privilege for granted!

“Imagine yourself in their shoes, without a house, without clothes, without any sanitation […] That’ll make you be grateful for what you have, and possibly donate and do something good for the other people.”
Photo by Shaivi Shah
Photo by Shaivi Shah

Thanks for all your hard work and for setting an example for everyone else to follow, Shaivi! Respect!

Click here if you want to donate to her GoFundMe and learn more!

And check out the video below to see how Shah assembles the sanitation kits, all by hand!

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