Teacher uses balloons to show kids how to wipe themselves
Where was she when we were young!?
Ma Fatima Garcia

When you are a teacher, you also need to be extra creative in order to make learning fun and never boring.

As parents, we expect our children to learn many things when they start school, right? From being able to recite the alphabet, to counting, knowing the different senses, how to trace their names, and even how to deal with emotions but some teachers do more than just that.


A video that has gone viral shows a teacher making a huge effort in preparing her props in order to teach her students how to wipe their butts!

You’ve read that correctly, this awesome teacher is training her students how to properly wipe their butts – in the most adorable way possible.


The video starts in a classroom where the teacher was in front sitting in a small chair. Her students were also seated behind her. What’s the catch? It’s definitely her colorful and fun way of representing the children’s butt by using 2 balloons.

This brilliant and artistic teacher definitely knew what she was doing and she was able to come up with the best butt-wiping lesson perfect for her preschoolers!


She simply attached two balloons to a small chair, side by side. Then as her students were watching her, she started showing the children the proper way of wiping their butts.

She demonstrated the perfect front-to-back technique, while also pointing to them how to properly balance on the potty.

Surely, the parents of these children were all happy to see how this creative teacher was in making an effort to teach their children the proper way to wipe their butts.


The video has already earned almost 50,000 retweets and more than 165,000 likes. We can definitely admire how her students were focused on her lessons as she simulates how to wipe once, and then folds the paper over, then starts simulating how to wipe again, folds a third time then she wipes the balloon butt one last time.

Like any other viral video, there are both positive and negative comments.

There were comments about how this teacher was really creative and how she was making extra efforts just to make sure that these kids learn how to wipe their butts. Some comments were also about how it helps parents with their hygiene and potty training lessons.

While there were comments about the positive side of this viral video, there were also comments about the lesson being unhygienic and how they should be teaching these children how to wash instead of just wiping.

There are also comments about how the toilet paper was folded too many times and that these children wouldn’t be able to wipe themselves this perfectly.


Different reactions and different comments just showed how we have different perceptions when it comes to teaching our children about basic hygiene. Although, we have to give it to this teacher, her idea was clever, fun, and aims to teach her class how to properly wipe their butts.

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