This 6-year-old is shamed by teachers at lunch for being tardy
Hunter was rarely ever late to class and was a very good student. He wasn't even late enough that he had to make up extra assignments.
Haley Bean

Hunter and his mom Nicole were running late for school one morning, which shouldn’t have been a huge deal; they were having car troubles lately so she knew that Hunter would probably have a lunch detention. Nicole decided to go and visit him at school later that day to see how he was holding up, only to find that her son was in tears. What she saw was devastating. Hunter was sitting alone at a table with a cardboard partition in front of him to keep him from seeing and making eye contact with other students; next to him sat a cup with the letter ‘D’ on it that stood for detention. Seeing her son so humiliated outraged her.


The irony of it all is, is that Hunter was rarely ever late to class, was a good student, and wasn’t even late enough that day that he had to make up assignments. The reason behind Hunter’s tardiness was car trouble. Hunter’s dad described his family as middle class, just doing the best that they can with what they have. Nicole immediately pulls out her phone and takes a picture of what she was seeing. After she shared the photo with Hunter’s grandmother, his grandmother posted it to Facebook, just as angry as Nicole, where the photo quickly went viral.


What they found after the photo reached social media was that they had a whole community rallying behind them. Not only did they agree with Nicole they went to all out to make sure that Hunter wouldn’t be late again.

The family showed up at their local dealership one afternoon ready to hear the news that their car wasn’t worth fixing. However, Kelly’s automotive had another idea. The community had come together and the dealership had heard the family’s story and thought the best way to help this family was to gift them a new minivan. This time, safe and reliable for their two children.


Hunter’s dad was shocked and in awe by the kindness that the town showed him and his family. “I’m just blown away. To see the community come together like this and see that there’s still good people out there and the people really care.” It’s clear that this humble, hardworking family that deserved some good news. There hasn’t been any word from the school on whether or not they changed their policy, or if the punishment for tardiness is still lunch shaming.

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