Sweet baby girl closes eyes tight for mealtime prayer with mom and dad
This baby is so smart and adorable!
Randy Aragon

Babies are the cutest, the precious little ones’ can easily warm any heart. This baby girl knows exactly what time it is when her family gets ready to pray, she joins them in holding hands and closing their eyes and it’s ridiculously adorable.

Oh my gosh, this baby just stole my heart!

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When baby Eloise was just 20-months-old, she was already able to pray with her family and it’s so precious

Back in 2017, Eloise Incorvaia was just a baby and beginning to get her words down. That didn’t stop her parents from introducing her to the power of prayer. Their hope was to instill faith and religion in her from a young age, from the looks of this video I think it worked.

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At the beginning of the video, you can see Eloise sitting in her high chair with her arms stretched out. When her parents connect hands with her she knows exactly what to do.

“Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this food, and thank you so much for my beautiful girls. Let this food bless our bodies and keep us safe.” Says Eloise’s father.

Every meal, they pray before eating and Eloise loves doing it, she closes her eyes tightly for the whole prayer

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The smart little girl holds hands with her parents while squeezing her eyes shut and her father prays. The fact that she’s smart enough to do this is so impressive and extremely cute.

Everything about this just melts your heart, it’s also nice to see people instilling good qualities in their children from an early age.

Not only does she close her eyes the whole time, but she also says amen at the end of the prayer

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When the family is done saying the prayer, the sweet little girl is the first one to say amen. She’s just getting her words down, so she says amen in true baby jibberish but you can clearly hear what Eloise is saying.

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After praying and saying amen, the lovable little girl flashes a smile that brings everyone who views the video so much joy. Since they posted this video in 2017, the Incorvaia family has brought two more beautiful children into the world. Now, Eloise has a little sister and brother, that the family is teaching the same inspiring lessons to.

The internet went crazy for the endearing baby praying with her family

As soon as the video spread, media outlets everywhere couldn’t get enough of baby Eloise. She was featured on various shows and social media sites, even finding her way onto Fox News, The Ellen Show, and The Today Show.

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Millions of people on various social media platforms have seen the video of the praying baby, it was just too cute not to go massively viral.

It has been viewed almost a million time on her father’s YouTube page alone

As soon as John Incorvaia posted it, it spread like wildfire on YouTube and it’s easy to see why!

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This has to be one of the cutest videos I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. She’s adorable enough without the prayer, so when you add the fact that she did that and said amen too, it’s just an overload of cuteness. To see baby Eloise praying for yourself, watch the video below!

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