Professionals like medical examiners and crime scene investigators, accustomed to encountering bizarre causes of death, often develop desensitization as a coping mechanism. Many find therapeutic value in sharing their strangest experiences on platforms like Reddit, where stories range from encounters with nature to the most improbable human situations. Exploring these tales may leave you with a heightened awareness of the countless ways one can meet an unusual demise.

Death by Choking

Redditor /c/GangsterLunchbox:

“My first job was being a mortician’s assistant. This was because my house was 2 blocks from the graveyard of my town and I was always playing in it. The weirdest cause of death saw in the practice was by far this old lady. When we had gotten the call to pick her body up. The house smelled like cat urine, nothing over the top. The oddity was when we had found her body, the cats were going to town tearing the body apart. Later that day we had found out she had attempted to eat one of her cat’s kittens whole and choked to death.”