We all know that some of the strangest things we’ll ever see can be found on the subway, or other form of public transit. These things are unique and never cease to amaze us. Again, we have triumphed over People of Walmart.
1) Thus Ends The Pagemaster
This sign is quite fitting. Who doesn’t get caught up in the false reality that is known as the subway? In “reality,” this would work when placed above any exit. There’s nothing like a little humor to help you get through the day.
2) The Final Countdown
Something is going down here and it’s going to get real. Is Anakin Bruce’s real father or are they going to fight to the death? It could go either way, or perhaps both are true. No matter what though, the plot thickens.
3) Try Not To Look Him In The Eye
This is one evil being you don’t want to look at on the subway. There are many others that you don’t want to notice you, but this is probably number one. I’m not sure this train is stopping anytime soon.
4) I’m Going With Them
Wherever these dogs are going, I want to go too. It’s not every day that you see a bus full of happiness, so when you do, you should seize the day. That’s a lot of good bois and grills in one place.
5) When You Don’t Have Time For Lunch
He must be a busy man if he’s eating on the subway because no one wants to eat on the subway. But if it’s the only time in the afternoon he has for himself then what choice does he have? His Fiji water says he’s a cultured man.
6) A Normal Day In Russia
Supposedly, this isn’t all that rare in Russia. You see people traveling with their pet bears quite often on public transit. It does look like no one is paying attention to the pair but it may be because they are all frigthened.
7) She Had A Rough Day
Under normal circumstances, alcohol is prohibited on public transportation, but this girl lives by her own rules. If she needs the whole bottle, she’s going to take it. She didn’t even bother to wrap it in a paper bag.
8) Why Hello There
This is what I call creepy. This dude has a cat on the back of his hood and it’s not the cute kind. It’s the kind that haunts your dreams and hides under your bed at midnight. What kind of being wears this?
9) It’s As Big As Him
This peacock is as big as her friend. Is it legal to take peacocks on the subway? I doubt many people have tried it so how could we know? This guy seems rather proud of his friend and doesn’t mind the pictures at all.
10) Stay In Character
Yes, this army man is so good at staying in character that you forget there’s a real person under there. If they are going to a party or convention, they should definitely win a prize for this costume.
11) Safest Way To Nap
Strap your purse to your arm and lean on a friend. There’s no safer way to nap on the subway aside from having someone watch over you. But to be fair, there’s usually just enough people that someone will have your back if you’re asleep.
12) His Jet Wasn’t Working
Is this Bruce Willis? It sure looks like it. Some people live in places where they see celebrities all of the time, so Bruce Willis could probably sneak on a subway without causing too much of a ruckus.
13) Try A Different Print
Wearing a robe on the subway is just asking for it, but you may be able to swing it if you get a neutral color. Not bright pink with flowers, especially not if you’re also planning on wearing the weirdest glasses ever.
14) Wear A Mask
This photo was taken years before the mask mandate, so this lady did it before it was cool. She has an inside crown on covered in a shiny clear bin. We don’t ask questions, we just report them.
15) Good For You, Karen
This is the only Karen that we trust. She made it through a horrible relationship with Plankton with nothing but sarcasm. Now, she’s an independent woman who knows her own worth. She’s thinking about changing her operating system.
16) Have You Met My Iguana?
There aren’t many animals more harmless than the iguana. That’s why no one cared about this man bringing his pet on the subway. The two actually seem to have a strange connection, considering iguanas aren’t exactly dogs.
17) When No One Cares About Bigfoot Anymore
People used to devote their lives to spotting bigfoot, which was a fun game for yetis everywhere. Now they can no longer play hard to get because people have stopped trying. Now they are stuck doing kids’ birthday parties.
18) The Hills And The Coat Have Eyes
This coat is all kinds of creepy. If only the eyes were even more realistic! That’s the only thing keeping it from being illegal in public. Maybe it’s a fashion statement or really expensive, both things that could salvage the creepy design.
19) It’s Not Even March
You’d be surprised how much leprachauns get paid in the right city. This one is on his way to a gig with his pot of gold. Though he should add a cane because something about the way he’s holding that suitcase just works.
20) That’s What It’s For
Who is the weird one here? The man with the mirror or the people taking selfies in the mirror? Let’s go with both. There’s nothing more awkward than moving mirrors. No one wants to see that.
21) Try Them, COVID
Again, this was taken long before COVID-19 came to the states. These plaguers wore their masks and top hats for fun, making everyone else on the subway uncomfortable. Everyone is freaked out by those masks.
22) Great Place For A Party
This person was going to ride the train to NYC early one morning but thought better of it when they realized they couldn’t board it. The whole thing was filled with balloons. I guess someone is throwing a surprise party.
23) Exterminate!
Is there anything else to say? This guy dressed up as a Dalek and boarded this subway. It’s not a bad costume but probably took thirty minutes to put together. I do applaud him for his creativity.
24) What’s It Like In New York City?
Is it just me or does this harpist look like Tom Higgenson from Plain White T’s? Who knew that the guy could play a harp? He looks rather forlon, probably because Delilah wasn’t just going to school in NYC.
25) A Logical Snack
I understand bringing toast onto the subway, but a toaster, really? This guy might as well have brought a griddle so he could make hashbrowns for all of the passengers. Those outlets are for charging phones.
26) Another Busy Day
You’re going to have to look pretty close to find out what animal is following that businessman. It’s a hamptser. On first glance, I was sure it was a hedgehog, but of course, that’s ridiculous. Hedgehogs don’t go to work.
27) He’s Standing For Something
I don’t know what kind of flyers this guy is handing out but it’s one that I will take and not throw away immediately. He’s dressed as an intimidating rhino with a big heart. Can you see the big heart?
28) He Doesn’t Want To Catch It
This beaked plauge mask was really popular for a while, and apparently, seen on subways everywhere. Not everyone is fond of them, but to be fair, this masked dude looks strangely polite. After you, sir.
29) Typical Keanu
Keanu Reeves is often called the nicest guy in Hollywood. He takes the subway just like anyone else and at first glance, I was sure he was stopping a ball from hitting this lady in the face. Now you see it too.
30) Who Ate Who?
Who is the predator and who is the prey? Pikachu and a human got into a fight, and I’m still not sure who won. After all, they are both still breathing, but Pikachu has a crazy look in his eyes. Anyone could be next.
31) I Don’t See Anything
I really don’t understand what the big deal is about this photo. There’s a big empty seat with no one in it except that girl who is staring at nothing. Sometimes I wonder about people. Nothing strange to see here.
32) Watch Your Toes
It definitely looks like this duck is walking around the subway, asking for for. Begging, actually. What does a duck have to do around here to get a hunk of bread? It’s not like there’s a lake around.
33) Is It The ’80s
This picture is so ’80s that if I didn’t know better I’d say that it was taken forty years ago. These two know how to rock it and I would recruit them to join Bill and Ted in their newest adventure. Or is it a quest this time?
34) Forgot To Charge
This is what happens when you don’t charge your suit. Not he has to take the subway because he left the house at ten percent and crashed before making it to Pepper’s house. The life of a hero isn’t always easy.
35) She’s Ready To Help Maleficent
I am getting some sick Diablo from Maleficent vibes here and I’m loving it. However, not everyone was so fond of this person and their crow. But not everyone can be as unique as them either.
36) Are Your Eyes Watering?
Literally everyone on this subway is judging this girl chopping onions and she does not care. I guess I understand both sides. At least she’s not making a big deal out of it, so just let her live.
37) She’s Brassed Up
This older lady is geared up with brass knuckles and I pity whoever messes with her. Anyone who wears brass knuckles is ready for a fight and has confidence in that fight. I have never admired someone more.
38) Only Baggable Dogs
Whenever they changed the rules about pets on the subway and said you can only bring ones that fit in a bag, everyone played by the rules. This adorable dog fits in this backpack and says “hi” to everyone he meets.
39) Bogus Knitting Class
I’m not sure what kind of knitting class teaches you to make facehuggers but it’s one that I would like to go to. She probably didn’t end up with the best-made facehugger but at least we all know what it is without thinking about it.
40) Please Stop Staring
Nobody wants these two on the subway. They are scarier than any move villain that you’ve seen. For them to sit next to you would be a disaster! If I were in this guy’s shoes, I would scurry off of that thing ASAP.
41) Does Whatever A Spider Does
This Spider-Man isn’t just talk. He is taking this subway by storm and leaving it with the classic upside-down pose that we know and love. To be honest, seeing superheroes on subways is always a good experience.
42) Gotta Love Rude People
People who sit on the outside of the seats without offering anyone standing the inside are the worst. How rude can you be to think you deserve two seats while other people stand? I’m glad most people agree.
43) I See Death
A lot fo people like to wear skulls on their clothing but this one is quite frightening. The skulls are realistic and reminds me of Hades’ lake on Hercules. By far the scariest Disney scene of the ’90s.
44) How Did This Happen?
This car may have gotten on the subway somehow but I see no way for it to get off. Not to mention, it’s rudely taking up a whole lot of space and preventing anyone else form leaving or entering.
45) She Loves Her Turtle
Nothing to see here except a woman and her sweet pet turtle. This turtle loves to cuddle, which is strange for a turtle, because normally they keep to their shells around people. But this turtle must be special.
46) How To Keep Your Seat
This is a genius way to keep your seat on the Subway. You can have a friend do it for you, because everyone scowls at people who put their purse beside them. This way, no one will think twice about it until you get there.
47) Do Do Do Do
If you don’t have Baby Shark stuck in your head now, then you’ve been living in a hole somewhere. This guy wore a shark costume on the subway, and probably heard a lot of Baby Shark taunts behind his back.
48) Things Have Taken A Wrong Turn
Do you think this guy gets tired of being called Logan or was this a publicity stunt? If he hands out business cards looking like this then he’s a smart man. I’d Wolverine for just about anything.
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