The airport is a strange place. You have people from all over the world gathered in one place. If you’re going to meet someone that lives outside of the cultural norm, it’s here. These things found at airports will surely broaden your horizons.
1) Howl’s Moving Luggage
This took a lot of skill to stack, but it looks like someone didn’t realize the ceiling got shorter. Now it’s stuck and t’s going to be a mess to get it unstuck. At least the bagging expert tried and nearly succeeded.

2) Not Creepy At All
This guy brought a rocking chair to the luggage carousel. That’s some next level stuff right there. Where he got the rocking chair and how long he’s had it is a mystery. He didn’t take it with him on the plane, so what is his story?

3) I’d Do What They Say
Cybermen are one of Doctor Who’s scariest villains. These were seen in London Heathrow Airport, which makes sense because they were created in London. Thes two need a shoe shine, and a body shine too.

4) Take A Load Off
This dad greeted his daughter with this margarita stand when she landed. If only all of our dads could come up with special surprises like this. He must really love her to go through all of that trouble.

5) That’s A Long Wait
This couple has been waiting for their luggage for over a year now. That’s a long time to wait for your luggage. I’d just consider it lost. Kidding, of course! This man was drafted and finally got to see his wife!

6) What A Warm Welcome
Imagine landing at an airport and this being the first “native” that you saw. Some countries always have open arms but this girl does not. She is not happy that he has come to visit, as you can see. If only her mother could see that face.

7) Be Proud Of Who You Are
I don’t know how this man is, but I’m proud of him. He’s either wearing this as a joke or he’s living it up by letting his true colors show. Either way, he’s confident in who he is and not afraid to stand out.

8) Tinfoil Is Out
I’m not sure what this new trend is, but I’m in. Wearing watermelons on your head is range but if the kids are doing it, there has to be a reason, right? Or they just want to be different and I’d be ruining the fun in that.

9) Try A Chair At Least
This girl fell asleep on the floor and that’s pretty disgusting. But if she was really tired, I guess she couldn’t make it to safety. Unless she has narcolepsy and literally couldn’t help it. because it can happen.

10) Black Widow Fell Asleep
Is it just be or does it look like Natasha just finished defeating the baddies and needs to rest before saving the world again? I’d be nervous sleeping so exposed like that in public but she’s always aware of her surroundings.

11) He Really Is Though
This dad is amazing. He dressed up as Darth Vader and made this sign for his daughter when she was flying by herself for the first time. It might have made her landing a little more confusing but at least he stuck out of the crowd.

12) Who Needs A Longer Cable?
This guy does not care what you think. He needed to charge his phone but didn’t want to stand up to do it. So he sat down and the cord wouldn’t reach? Most of us would give up but he persevered and now look at him.

13) They Don’t Know Each Other
When he bought this suit, he did it solely to entertain his family when he flew home to them. But when he met another man at that airport with the same mind, he just had to capture the coincidence. This was fate.

14) Puppy Airport
These are like little Air Buddies, because you know, they are at the airport. It looks like someone spilled all of their air buddies and now everyone walking by wants to cuddle each and every one of them.

15) Who Needs A Chair?
Someone actually brought a hammock into the airport and for some reason no one told them that they couldn’t. I’m surprised an employee didn’t help them set it up and everything. I’m so jealous right now.

16) He Can Rock Both Styles
When he was asked why he shaved his head like this, he said, “because I can,” and it looks like someone has a slight problem with control and authority. At least he’s good looking enough to pull it off.

17) Blind Flying The Blind
This is a joke, right? Because this is supposedly the pilot of this flight and he’s walking with a “blind and deaf” stick. Unless he’s otherworldly and can fly a plane without a hitch depsite being deaf and blind.

18) She Was Screaming
This girl was alarming and concerning everyone at the airport because she was screaming as this man drug her around. But when they saw her face, the realized, she was actually just enjoying the ride.

19) He Helped Hundreds
This airport didn’t have anyone on call to help sort luggage so this pilot stepped up. He helped over 300 people get their luggage and is now considered an everyday hero. He didn’t have to help, yet he did.

20) They’ll Last A Lifetime
This couple is so comfortable with each other that they pretty much pretend the other isn’t there. He’s laying on her like a pillow and she is using him as a table. It’s a win-win situation no matter how you look at it.

21) The Wrong Flight
This guy thinks he booked the wrong flight on his business trip because every other passenger is a furry. If you’re not into furry culture, this can be intimidating. If you are, then it is for sure intimidating.

22) Never Getting Lost
This guy is a low-key genius. Not only will having his own face on the luggage make it hard for anyone to steal comfortably, but it will ensure that it always finds its way back to him. “Hey, I know you! You’re the guy on that suitcase!”

23) Any Beastie Boys Fans?
It may have been an extremely rebellious 80s song but it’s also a classic. That’s why this airport is using it to entertain passengers. Or someone got ahold of the gate display that has no business writing display messages.

24) Never Fall Asleep
These may be his daughters and they may be strangers who saw a canvas they couldn’t resist. But when he wakes up, he’s going to be surprised at his new body art and thankful that they didn’t have Sharpies.

25) Have An Emergency Somewhere Else
If you’re thinking about having an emergency, don’t do it at this Chicago airport because their phone does not have service. I mean, you could use your own phone but it probably doesn’t have service either.

26) Make Yourself Comfortable
This person is turning their stay at the airport into a vacation. They had to stay overnight so I don’t blame them at all. They are way more comfortable than the poor guy on the left who will need a chiropractor tomorrow.

27) Do You Think He’s Stuck
Is this a repairman? Is the luggage stuck? Are they scanning this passenger thoroughly? There are so many questions and none of them are answered by this strange picture. I guess you had to be there.

28) Defense Of The Dark Flights
This is 100% Professor Snape. If Alan Rickman was still alive I would swear that this was him. I don’t blame the person who stole a picture of him because anyone in their right mind would have. Everyone loves Snape in one way or another.

29) Can’t Miss Avengers
This guy was watching Avengers on his tablet and noticed these three siblings standing behind him in a slightly creepy way. But it’s not their fault. They don’t have anything to do and he’s watching Marvel movies.

30) So Much Grandpa
My neck hurts just looking at the guy in the cool blue hat. As for the other one, he needs reading glasses, a magnifying glass, and a smartphone to read the news. That’s pretty intense and I can only hope to be as cool as them when I get older.

31) He’s Catching Jigglypuff
This dude was found on the moving walkway with McDonald’s and Pokemon GO. Where he got the chair, no one knows, but he probably didn’t bring it with him from home. You never know about people.

32) It Took Hours To Notice
It took this clerk hours to notice that a little boy left an army soldier to watch over her. He told her, “I left a secret agent to watch you.” Hours later, someone pointed it out and she finally put it all together.

33) They Didn’t Let Him Carry His Accordion
Weird Al is really sad because the airport wouldn’t let him bring his accordion on as a carry-on item. I mean, I don’t even know if this is Weird Al but it sure looks like him. Maybe it’s his cousin, Strange Ty?

34) She’s A Winner
This lady is a boss. She deserves that Ariana poster behind her. This guy was trying to take a selfie and before he turned the camera around, he snapped a picture of this custodian posing for the camera.

35) I Wonder If She Can Read It
You know how we always have Japanese or Taiwanese words on our bags and clothing? We don’t know what it means! Well, other countries like to sell English words on their stuff, some foreigners know what the words mean, others do not.

36) Nothing Is More Hipster
This woman is at a the airport and has taken out her typewriter. It isn’t even kind of old, it’s straight up vintage and looks like it could be the first typewriter ever made. I’d be careful and try not to let that one get stolen.

37) The Shirt May Be Controversial
This kid’s shirt gets a lot of attention. Some people think it’s cute while others think it’s a little inappopriate given his age. But it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. What matters is that he met a Victoria’s Secret model at the airport while wearing this shirt.

38) That’s More Than Ankle
This rabbi have no idea what they are doing and probably would not approve of this picture. Unless they have an amazing sense of humor. If so, then the older gentleman might take the legs on the right next time.

39) His Grandson Said To
When his grandson said to use a wheelchair to get through the airport to make it easier on himself, this is not what he meant. This grandfather is pretty smart, actually and took matters into his own hands.

40) Did It Work Out?
I’m not sure if this lady actually tried to sneak her husband on the plane but it sure looks like she did. Although it does look legit since he seems to be a little bruised. That can’t be comfortable going through the luggage check.

41) She Had A Long Flight
This girl fell asleep on this bag while waiting and her dad just rolled her on out. That’s going to be an easy transition to the car and she’ll probably sleep the entire way to their destination.

42) Let Me Get That For You
This is the strangest charger that I’ve seen. This person has a prosetehtic arm that charges your phone? Or is this a full cyber person that is there solely to charge your devices. To be honest, I don’t really care, it’s amazing.

43) Gotta Have My Stick
This is very suspicious. Who takes a stick on a plane and has it tagged? There could be something illegal in this so they had it scanned too. You know, maybe where they are going, there aren’t any sticks.

44) After Hours, Baby
What do pilots do when they are waiting for their flight? Oh, just have water gun fights in the parking lot. This guy may not look like he’s fit to fly a plane but looks can be deceiving when you’re having fun.

45) Whatever Works For You
If you have flown very much then you have been stuck at the airport for hours at a time. This couple made the most of their time and found the comfiest way possible they could sleep. Though I believe she has the better spot.

46) Friends At First Sight
These two had never met before this moment. They are two random toddlers who met at the airport and hugged each other the moment that they saw one another. Maybe their new friendship will last a lifetime.

47) Must Be Unlucky
It is rather sad that some people get searched more than others just because of the way they look. But at least this dude has a good attitude about it and is making a joke instead of getting angry.

48) This Generation And Their Phones
It feels like this generation is glued to their phones. It might be just me but something is off about this picture. Normally, we get complaints from people this age about technology but this time they are the ones who can’t pull away.

49) If You Like The Lights Off
What’s going on here? Well, they’re not homeless. They just set up boxes because they like sleeping in the dark and the airport is too bright for them. It’s not a horrible idea and you can even put your purse inside as well.

50) Caught Me Pooping
This dude was minding his own business on the toilet when this adorable dog peeked underneath the stall to see him. I mean, it would be hard to refrain from petting him but even a dog doesn’t deserve those germs.

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