You’ve seen People of Walmart and People of the Subway, but you’ve never seen anything like this. These people are so strange, they make even weird start to look normal. You just gotta love them!

1) Koalaty Mask
This just looks wrong. This man is wearing a koala on his face and for some reason, it’s hard to look away. Things get crazy when you’re sipping on Capri Sun.

2) Don’t Dent My Do
How big can you get your hair? Surely not this big. And before you ask, yes, this is her real hair. You know what they say, “the higher the hair, the closer to Jesus.”

3) Cooler Ranch
This girl for real put a Dorito bag in her hair and we don’t even want to judge her. It looks good on her, as strange as it may be. Bet you couldn’t pull off a Dorito Bow.

4) When Furries Attack
Furries are out there everyone, they are real. You can find them an conventions, the subway, and of course, Walmart. He must be their leader! And a proud one at that!

5) Never Grow Up
This kind of makes sense. Is it harder for a five-year-old to walk beside you or an eighty-five-year-old? That’s what I thought! Kudos to her for taking advantage of that space.

Acid Cow
6) Intense Training
It would appear that this boy is studying underwater. This sort of training regimen is only for the brightest in class. Or someone who thought it would be a great photo op.

7) The Long Dali
This man thought it would be a good idea to make sure his “mustache” extended down and around his chest. Was it a bold move? Yes. Was it also a good one? We’ll let you be the judge of that.

8) She’s Extra
Imagine being this extra, and imagine having a birthday party on a subway. Maybe she didn’t have enough time otherwise and all she wanted was lobster and spaghetti.

9) Doesn’t Work Like That
The only way I can make sense out of this is if the water in the pool is warm and the bottled water is cool. If so, then this is a great plan. If not, then he will never be an Olympian.

10) The Ultimate Plank
This is extreme planking and you don’t want to see what happens next. While the tigers in the cage with him seem to tolerate him, the one behind him is about to break free.

11) You Can’t Stop Genius
Onions, panty hose, and a whole lot of style. We don’t want to know what kind of creature this is and we hope we never see it again. That said, how intriguing!

Acid Cow
12) That’s Elmo’s World
Not sure how much if this is her real hair and how much is a wig, but either way, I am impressed. If you’re a fan of Elmo, then you aren’t doing it right if you don’t have hair like this.

13) Nothing Wrong Here
Do you have a giant monitor but no Wi-Fi. Nothing wrong with that. Bring your computer and your big old monitor to the nearest Starbucks or McDonald’s.

Acid Cow
14) Where’d That Other Guy Go?
This makes you wonder what the back of his head looks like. Or is it the front? His face? After all, this side doesn’t have a nose. But that’s all it’s missing.

15) Too Cool For The Kids
This is equivalent to us carrying around iPods in twenty years. He is ahead of his time since he actually has a boombox. In my opinion, he’s cooler than you.

16) Take a Note
We don’t know what this is but it is amazing. This is way better than wearing sunscreen because you don’t need to talk. Just write ready replies and pull them off.

17) Wicked Wizard
Before you see that pool down below, you will be scared for his life. Afterwards, you still will be. Doesn’t look like he’ll make it. This guy is definitely not sober.

18) The Bird Whisperer
To be honest, this would be kind of scary. Having a bird swoop down and peck something out of your hand or off your chest is freaky. Imagine your whole body.

19) Seems Safe
This looks like just about the most dangerous way you can fix a car. Is it really worth fixing the car if you break something else? Hopefully this kid learns the easy way.

20) They are Real
This takes furries to an entirely new level. This girl actually thinks she’s a cat. If she identifies as a cat, does she still have to pay taxes? I bet she’s found out.

Acid Cow
21) Something is Tingling
Freaky dude! Since there are millions of people afraid of spiders, we can assume that he wears this just to freak people out. Do we admire that or is his creepy crawly too much?

22) Zebrataur
It looks like he doesn’t have enough clearance to make it through and that is a shame. I bet a lot of people were looking forward to meeting this zebrataur.

23) Must Be Raining
If it’s not raining, then there’s absolutely no reason for him to be wearing a trash bag on his head. If it is, then there’s a small reason if he wants to save money.

24) Santa Approves
Not sure if this elf is spreading Christmas cheer or haunting children as they sleep. Either way, her costume is super dope. I think we can all attest to that.

25) Oh No, My Crush!
This kid went incognito and we assume it is because he saw someone he knew and hopes that they don’t realize that he works at a fast food restaurant.

26) Tired of Waiting
What really makes this funny is that she is waiting in like next to a nurse and a military man. So, it makes you wonder what makes her so much more tired than they are.

Acid Cow
27) Just Walking the Monitor
We can only hope she is walking this monitor to the trash because it is older than she is. Or at least, it appears that way. Maybe she’s an elf that is over 100 years old, we don’t know for sure.

38) That’s Some Core
Imagine having this much core strength! She works at a pharmacy or lab of some sort and she is on something, that’s for sure. Because no one is this amazing naturally.

Acid Cow
29) Betty Spaghetti
This girl’s legs are so flexible that she can wrap the around three times. Probably more in the right conditions. Keep looking and you’ll still never find out her secret.

30) Young McDonald
This isn’t Ronald, but it’s the next best thing. The burgers are so clean and the horse so well behaved. Just look at his little french fry shoes. This is actually amazing.

31) ‘Bout to Catch a Turtle
This dude is not one you would want to meet in a dark alley. Or anywhere…ever. He looks like a character from Ninja Turtles or a Street Fighter DLC.

32) Oh No, Sally!
Poor, poor Sally. We always wondered what happened to you. But now we know as we’d know your scent anywhere. You loved the tall grass. It was your addiction.

33) Red People Eater?
No idea what’s going on here but it looks like a blob is getting her groceries. I hope little Blue and Purple want tacos because that’s what they are getting.

34) It’s That Time of Year
It must be the time for miracles because this kid is standing on thin ice. Considering he’s on his phone, he could have been there since the whole river was iced over.

35) We’ve All Been There
No one has room to judge here because we’ve all let this happen. Sometimes with flip flips and other times with sandals. But it’s happened to us all.

36) DJ Trashboat
This isn’t even funny, it’s amazing. If you can find your niche then go for it. His name is actually printed on the box in case you want to hire him for your event. He pops out like a jack-in-the-box.

37) Get Comfortable
Someone is getting comfortable at the airport. But it’s not her fault that it was time for her face mask and she was still waiting for her plane. A girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do.

38) Sad Robots
This is depressing. If R2D2 and C-3PO can’t put on a happy face then there’e no hope for the rest of us. Can we throw these two a party or something?

39) She Must Like Cats
Only a totally sane cat lady would wear a coat like this in public. But as long as she wears it proudly then I guess we can only be jealous of her gumption and style.

40) Cursed Convention
This is what happens five minutes before your bread is ruined and you kid screams out that there is a “spider” in his room. Thos roaches stick together.

41) You Can’t See Her
To be fair, this oufit won’t show up on the big screen, right? So Invisigirl is just relaxing on the beach with a cold one. Nice hat you have there.

42) His Best Moment
You either subscribe to Good Mythical Morning or you are wrong. On this episode, they covered Rhett’s head in peanut butter. Best to not ask questions.

43) Never Fall Asleep
Falling asleep at a party, especially one where people are drinking, is a horrible idea. You will wake up with all sorts of stuff done to you. Flamingo man got off easy this time.

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44) Plot Twist
This Blastoise must work for Team Rocket if he’s trying to capture this Pikachu. But we caught him blue-handed. You’ll not get away this time. Team Rocket will be blasting off again.

45) Went to Prom with his X
His Xbox, of course. We’re not even ashamed of him. If he has the courage to do this is a place as scary as high school, then go for it. He’s a brave soul.

46) He’s Thorough
This boy must be new at the car wash and is about to get his boss is really big trouble. He was told to wash the whole car. No one told him to only do the outside.

47) It’s Appropriate
There should be a law against leggings worn without something over them. They aren’t pants and will never be pants. It will take three takes before you find this one.

48) Not Even Mad
For someone with Oreo hair, she really pulls it off. She even has the red and black tips to match the spirit of the Oreo. Kudos to her yet again for making this almost cool.

49) Vegan Warriors
This is what happens when you eat meat in front of a vegan. They call upon their fighting buddings and load your cabinets with all things greenery. You messed with the wrong herbivore.

50) Don’t Cross It
This strange creature does not seem safe. If I were you, I’d steer clear because it is either protecting the forest or is about to devour it. Either way, mind your own business.

51) Go with the Flow
This dude is making lemonade. It flooded where he lives so he decided to go on a float trip with nothing but his umbrella. He really is enjoying himself. We can all learn something here.

52) He is Fabulous
You can’t say that this man is anything but fabulous. He has the lamp shade with duct tape and corded phone earrings. He is living in 1980 while ya’ll are trying to get to 2020.

53) Don’t Look Her in the Eyes
Not sure if those are eyelids or her actualy demon eyes. Whataver they are, they don’t belong at a Rangers game. They don’t belong anywhere. Man, it would be freaky to be her kid.

54) Walking the Hen
When you have to walk the chicken, you have to walk the chicken. She won’t wait and if you don’t take her, she won’t lay any eggs for breakfast.

55) That’s Some Grandma
This grandmother/grandaughter relationship seems totally healthy. She’s just helping her grandbaby take provocative pictures to post online. Perfectly normal.

56) Free Rides
Can’t afford the bus fare? Just hitch a ride like a skateboarder. What could go wrong? You get kicked off? Fined? Arrested? Beats paying for public transport.

Acid Cow
57) Utterly Ridiculous
No idea why he was arrested but it might have something to do with that utter or just the fact that he’s dressed as a cow. Something about that isn’t right. Unless he wanted free food at Chik Fil A

58) This is Legal, Right?
When you are from California and you move to New York, you miss the beach. You miss surfing. So you improvise and dip in the city fountain. Surely you won’t get jail time.

Acid Cow
59) She’s A Fan
There’s wearing your favorite band on your shirt and then there’s wearing a politcian. Never wear a politician’s face on your clothing, it can never end well. Ever.

60) Merry Christmas
This family looks like loads of fun, making Santa look like the odd man out. I hope they get everything they want for Christmas, and that Krampus visits them, just as they asked.

Acid Cow
61) They Like Me
Pidgeons can be mean, we all know it. So why allow them to ravage you so as you pour birdseed on your chest? Perhaps it’s more fun and fulfilling than it looks.

Acid Cow
62) Welcome to America
She may have Cheez-Its in her bag, but she prefers to just eat the cheese in its perfect, true form. Now that will cause you some problems but we’re not here to judge.

63) Wonderful Grandparenting
This looks like both a punishment and a strange privilege. Sure, it is dangerous and wrong, but the kid probably had a great time. Just don’t tell his mom.

64) Whatever Works
This may be illegal and looks even more illegal than it is, but at least they found something that works. If you don’t have straps or rope, what are you supposed to do?

Acid Cow
65) This was a Dare
Or at least, we can only hope that this was a dare. If not, then he needs serious help. The shirt can stay, everything else needs evaluated. Okay, the shirt needs to go too.

66) Watch Those Toes
Those boots are a hazard to him and everyone he meets. They could get run over, pop a tire, or trip a little kid. Travel safe, pink cowboy, the world is counting on it.

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67) Not a Cougar
This rare feline seen providing for and protecting her kitten in public. She doesn’t venture out with him often but isn’t he the cutest little thing?

68) Magic Policeman
This police man looks like he jumped out of a storybook and we could not be more pleased. If someone like this pulled me over, I would be ecstatic.

69) Yes, It’s Pizza
You know how we eat Asian food with a fork? Well, this kid eats American food with chopsticks. Even pizza. Makes you wonder what he’d do with a cheeseburger.

70) Who is the Crazy One?
So who is the real crazy one here? The person who invented this toilet paper dispenser or the one who is wearing it? Perhaps the investor? Let’s just go with all of them.

71) Great Parenting
There’s a 110% chanc that these parents don’t want their own faces down there, so why put their kid’s face down there? Oh, of course, so he can break the rules and feed the raccoons.

72) Still Not Cool
Younger generation, this may have been taken in 2007, but rest assured, posing in front of cheese was not cool. However, the invention of Kraft with Philly, that was cool.

73) That’s Not How
It appears that this lady has forgetten how to use a chair. Maybe it’s been a while since she’s been to the theater but surely seats haven’t changed that much.

74) Not a Real Furry
This woman isn’t a furry but she is furry. Now we’re not sure where her hair ends and the fur begins. If she were happy about it, we would be too. But she doesn’t seem to be enjoying herself.

75) Plank Wars
If there is a plank war, this guy won, hands down. From the looks of it, he is an employee, which means this is probably real. He’s willing to do anything to win this.

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