One dancer brings in a flash mob of 40 dancers for Aer Lingus Launch that stuns mall watchers
One single dancer is joined by at least forty more for impressive performance in mall
Bella Scotton

Nothing Draws a Crowd More Than a Group of Irish Flash Mob Dancers

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One Lone Girl

The Lakeside shopping centre was packed with shoppers when one young lady was spotted breaking away from the crowd.

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She just started a solo flash dance. It wasnโ€™t long before shoppers stopped to watch her impressive performance.

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First There Was One โ€“ Then There Were Two โ€“ And More

Within seconds she was joined by a second dancer then three and they just kept on coming.

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Everyone in Sync

The dance was obviously very well known by all who participated. All of the dancers were in sync with each other.

Foot Precision Was Dead On

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Watching the dancersโ€™ feet is an amazing experience to see how much precision they can move with.

Tap On The Floor Harmonizes with the Music

All of the dancers had the perfect footwear so that each time their feet hit the floor it added to the beat of the music.

They Just Kept Coming

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As the music continued more from the crowd of watchers would come and join in. The group was growing by the minute, and so was the audience.

The First Dancer Still Going

Even though the dance had been going for several minutes the first dancer was still in the lead and going strong.


Off Come The Jackets

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Then it seems that everyone was warmed up at the same time as the girls danced into a circle and all the dancers removed their jackets and the majority were wearing white tops

One Group

It was now easy to identify that this was a group of organized flashmob dancers as they were all wearing the same teeshirts with logos. The group was actually from the McGahan Less Irish Dance Academy and they put on an excellent performance. No doubt the airport made a great choice in who they wanted to bring attention to their new launch.

Two layers of Watchers

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By this time the Mall was so full that the spectators were watching from the main level as well as the upper. There were plenty of smiles and lots of hand clapping.

The Feed Back

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One comment said:

I find it quite difficult to understand how so many people can stand there watching without a smile on their faces.

Another said:

I am Scottish. How can you not love this. Full of energy and fun and so much stamina required. Love Irish dancing. Canโ€™t do it, but love to watch it.

Someone else:

The fact that literally EVERYONE in attendance wasnโ€™t grinning from ear to ear throughout this entire performance astoundes me


The Music

The Music that the dancers performed to was by the Artist Beoga and could be found on the Album Mischief under the song name Cu Chiullainโ€™s Despair.

The additional song that the performers danced to was Strings of Fire by the artist Ronan Hardiman that can be found on the album Michael Flatleyโ€™s Feet of Flames.

The Airportโ€™s New Launch was a great success.

Aer Lingus Regional was proud to be introducing the three new daily flight returns with connections to take place to New York, Boston as well as Chicago and Orlando.

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