How a high-flying 1980s socialite became homeless in her sixties
She's proof that it could happen to anyone.
Michael Dabu

Glen-Marie Frost, a name synonymous with glamour and high society in Sydney during the 1980s, led a life many only dream of.

As a prominent socialite, her days were filled with luxurious experiences, from attending high-profile events to mingling with influential friends.

Her career was equally dazzling, marked by significant projects and extensive travels.

Glen-Marie’s life was a variety of extravagant parties, generous acts, and a seamless blend of work and social engagements, placing her at the heart of Sydney’s elite.

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YouTube - ABC Australia

Glen-Marie was more than just a regular at social gatherings; she was the life of the party.

Her events were legendary, characterized by their opulence and her welcoming nature.

Through these gatherings, she forged strong connections with political and business figures, making networking a natural extension of her social calendar.

These interactions not only bolstered her career but also cemented her status as a key player in Sydney’s social scene.

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YouTube - ABC Australia

Her involvement in major projects like the Sydney Olympics showcased her professional prowess.

Glen-Marie’s extensive travels brought her into contact with celebrities like Tom Selleck and Burt Reynolds, further elevating her social standing.

Her charm and professionalism allowed her to navigate these high-profile circles with ease, making her a sought-after presence at every significant event.

Her influence and connections were unparalleled, setting her apart as a true socialite.

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YouTube - ABC Australia

In 1985, Glen-Marie married businessman Bob Frost in a wedding that epitomized glamour and sophistication.

The ceremony was attended by notable figures, making headlines and adding to her illustrious public image.

The couple soon welcomed a son, and for a time, their lives seemed to be the perfect blend of happiness and success.

Their marriage was marked by public admiration and a seemingly prosperous future.

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YouTube - ABC Australia

However, beneath the surface of their glamorous life, trouble was brewing.

Glen-Marie’s marriage began to unravel, leading to financial difficulties that were exacerbated by her demanding career and her husband’s financial troubles.

She later admitted to having little involvement in financial matters during her marriage, a decision that would come back to haunt her post-divorce.

This lack of financial oversight proved to be a significant oversight in the years to come.

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YouTube - ABC Australia

The end of her marriage marked the beginning of a tumultuous period for Glen-Marie.

She faced severe health problems that required multiple surgeries, significantly impacting her ability to work.

As her health declined, so did her career prospects.

Ageism in the professional world further hindered her efforts to regain financial stability, plunging her into a state of uncertainty and financial strain. Her once-glamorous life seemed like a distant memory.

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YouTube - ABC Australia

Glen-Marie’s financial woes continued to worsen, eventually leading to the unthinkable: homelessness.

She found herself living in her car, grappling with the stark reality of having no savings or financial safety net.

This situation is sadly common among many women of her generation, who often find themselves financially vulnerable after major life changes.

The stark contrast between her past and present was a harsh reality she had to face daily.

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YouTube - ABC Australia

Despite the immense challenges she faced, Glen-Marie demonstrated remarkable resilience.

High-profile friends like Helen Coonan, Joh Bailey, and Michael Yabsley stepped in to support her during these tough times.

Their assistance provided some relief, but her story highlights a broader issue affecting many older women: the lack of adequate support systems and the rising number of older women facing homelessness.

The compassion of her friends offered a lifeline during her darkest hours.

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YouTube - ABC Australia

Glen-Marie Frost’s journey from a life of luxury to one of hardship is a powerful reminder of the fragility of financial security and the importance of being involved in financial matters.

Her story also underscores the urgent need for better support systems for older women.

As society grapples with these issues, Glen-Marie’s experience serves as a call to action to ensure that others do not face the same fate.

Her story is proof of resilience and a call for change, advocating for better protection for vulnerable populations.

Watch her full story below.

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