Boy Has To Write Letter To Santa In School - Mom Is In Stitches When She Reads It
This letter is too funny!
Ana Luisa Suarez

Christmas is almost here and as the holiday approaches, more and more people are sharing what their children are writing to Santa.

Every year, little boys and girls write a letter to Santa to let the big man in red know what they would like for Christmas that year. Some children ask for big requests because obviously Santa is magical and has access to everything.

Other children will ask for just one toy. Then there are children who don’t want any gifts, instead, they want to give something to someone less fortunate than them.

But one little boy wrote a letter to Santa to that is unlike any other.


Depending on where a child goes to school, they might write their letter to Santa while in the classroom.

Most children are excited to share with their classmates what they put on their list, but it seems like one little boy was entirely disinterested in the idea of writing to Santa!

Sarah McCammon’s son had to write a letter to Santa in his class and when she shared his letter online, it got over 124,000 likes and over 42,000 retweets!


The 6-year-old wrote (with adorable spelling errors):

Dear Santa,

Santa Im only doing this for the class. I know your notty list is emty, And your good list is emty. and your life is emty. You dont know the trouble I’ve had in my life. Good bye.


Im not telling you my name

Can you believe this little skeptic? Clearly, someone doesn’t trust writing to a total stranger! In the margins, he also drew wreaths and skulls.


Sarah made sure to let everyone know that her son doesn’t have any serious hardships. The troubles he’s had in his life that he told Santa about are, in fact, his little brother!

The 6-year-old must think that Santa can’t possibly understand what a hassle it is to have a young brother in your life and didn’t even try to explain.

Some of the comments on the post find the skeptical letter to Santa hilarious, while others are concerned about what the 6-year-old wrote down.

One commenter wrote:

Thank your son for us, we laughed so hard.. to tears… excellent honest kid, not mincing words. Frank and to the point. Which is more than I can say about most adults we know these days. Bless you and your family…


For those who were concerned by the letter, Sarah made sure to let everyone know that her son is a happy and compassionate little boy. He loves the holidays and even his baby brother.

Please SHARE this hilarious letter to Santa with your friends and family on Facebook today.

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