Sister Clog Champions Raise Bar With Hypnotic Routine
What an incredibly fast paced routine.
Eduardo Gaskell

The thing about siblings is they either get along really well or not at all. To the point that they live separate lives with different interests. But when parenting is done right, bonded siblings just work well for everyone. There’s nothing like having a closeness with your brothers and sisters. They are your first best friends and studies show that it helps with a person’s overall health too.


Like these sisters. These two are from Kentucky. They share the same interest and have gotten so good at it that they continue to impress audiences and judges whenever they put on a show.

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They are Lauren and Kaylee Thomas. Both fantastic cloggers and yes, they are champions.

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Often mistaken for twins during performances, Lauren and Kaylee are actually several years apart. But people are forgiven for thinking so when they’re on stage. The Thomas sisters are magic.

This particular one took place at the Clogging Champions of America Showdown, a competition where the best of the best get the chance to showcase their insane skills. Lauren and Kaylee stepped onstage in near-black sparkly outfits, once again out to prove that they really are the best at it.

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Champions need to prove to everyone why they are on top.

Clogging is different from tap dancing. it’s more of a stomping motion, moving along to the beat while maintaining a high level of energy. Something these two have. Lauren and Kaylee stomp to the rhythm all while throwing in fancy kicks and spins along with fancy arm movements.

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The sisters’ routine is a contemporary duet done to Jess Glynne’s pop hit, “Hold my hand”. Lauren and Kaylee do hold hands a lot of times during their performance. They really are good!

Now we begin to see why Lauren and Kaylee are amazing at what they do. It’s not just the countless hours and days of practice, that’s a given, but more so the tightness these two women share as sisters. There is an unspoken bond between the two sisters which have undoubtedly contributed to their fantastic stage presence.

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Lauren and Kaylee Thomas already have hundreds of awards and trophies but like the competitors that they are, they’re hungry for more. Can’t imagine how much space those trophies took up in their home. Pretty sure mom and dad don’t mind anyway.

This routine gives you an idea of how good these sisters are. If there were any doubts as to why the Thomas’ sisters are champions, they’ve put those to rest for sure.

All the legends never stopped. So long as they still had it, they went after the gold all the time.

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These two have made quite a name for themselves that they were even featured on a television show called The Gong Show, with an act so entertaining yet terrifying at the same time.

Lauren and Kaylee never run out of breath during their routines but watching them might cause you to lose yours.

Their feet are like highly tuned engines constantly moving while both girls make good use of the stage. It’s very creative and they’re really having fun up there. No wonder then that these sisters are favorites.

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See for yourself why Lauren and Kaylee are clog champions many times over. Click on the video below and don’t forget to breathe.

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Source: YouTube, CCA
