Sports reporter realizes on air that her sister ‘stole’ her watch
That moment on live TV when you realize your sister has 'borrowed' your watch! 😂
Jake Manning

This hilariously adorable clip is a light-hearted and relatable snippet that captures a moment many with siblings can empathize with.

In this brief but amusing clip, the host, Malika Andrews, experiences a moment of realization that her sister, Kendra, has taken her watch.


This incident, while small, opens up a larger conversation about the dynamics of growing up with siblings and how these relationships evolve over time.

In the video, Malika’s expression changes from confusion to amusement as she comes to terms with the fact that her sister has her watch. It’s a classic sibling moment, filled with the unspoken understanding and humor that often characterizes these relationships.


The incident is a perfect example of the playful, sometimes mischievous interactions that siblings share, regardless of age or distance.


Growing up with siblings is an experience filled with moments like these. It’s a journey of shared secrets, spontaneous adventures, and, sometimes, the harmless taking of each other’s belongings. Sibling relationships are often our first foray into deep, meaningful connections outside of our parents. They teach us about sharing, compromise, and, in many cases, how to navigate conflict and rivalry.

For many, siblings are the first playmates and confidants.

They are the ones with whom we share our earliest memories and experiences. From fighting over toys to collaborating on elaborate backyard adventures, siblings help shape our understanding of the world and our place in it. These relationships can be a source of immense joy and comfort, as well as occasional frustration and learning.

Negative Space
Negative Space

As we grow older, the dynamic with our siblings often changes. The petty squabbles over toys and clothes transform into deeper conversations about life, careers, and personal challenges.

Despite these changes, some things remain constant – like the ability to laugh together over childhood memories or the ease of falling back into familiar patterns when reunited.

The relationship between siblings is also a study of contrast and similarities.


It’s fascinating to see how individuals who share the same parents and grow up in the same environment can turn out so differently, yet retain certain familial traits. These differences and similarities contribute to the richness of the sibling bond, offering a unique blend of understanding and perspective.

In the case of Malika and Kendra Andrews, their interaction in the video, though brief, hints at a deeper bond shared between them. It’s a relationship that likely has its roots in a childhood filled with shared experiences, and it’s heartwarming to see how it plays out in their adult lives, even in a professional setting like ESPN’s NBA Today.


Siblings, whether they borrow our watches without asking or stand by us through life’s ups and downs, play a significant role in our lives.


They are our first friends, our rivals, and often, our lifelong companions. The video of Malika realizing her sister has her watch is a reminder of the playful, enduring nature of sibling relationships. It’s a bond that, for many, is an integral part of who we are and how we navigate the world.

Watch the funny moment in the video below.

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