Study Says Single Women Are Happier Than Married Women
What are your thoughts on this?
Maxim Sorokopud

Most of society is geared around the idea that people should form couples, settle down and raise a family. But is this what women really want? Studies indicate that no, it definitely isnโ€™t.

Of course, to a certain extent, people need to make babies. Without children, society would literally disappear!

So if women are happier when theyโ€™re single, what can be done to literally keep humanity alive?


To put some context into these statements, hereโ€™s what some scientific studies are saying about the happiness of women, both in and outside of relationships.

In the UK, Mintel surveyed a range of single women and found out some statistics that have shocked many people online.

The report stated that 61% of single women were happy with being single. And 75% of single women are not looking for a partner.


But in a way, these findings are nothing new. Way back in the early 70s, the sociologist Jessie Bernard produced a study that said women are happier when theyโ€™re single, but men are happier when theyโ€™re married.

Seeing as the worldโ€™s population has literally doubled since Bernard first produced her studies, it doesnโ€™t seem as if anyone needs to worry about society disappearing any time soon.

But what does this tell us?

The statistics arenโ€™t exactly saying that women shouldnโ€™t settle down. But it does suggest something worrying: that women get more unhappy when they marry partner or at least commit to being permanently with them.


And there is evidence to back up that statement. Psych Central for example cites a study where 707 Louisiana married couples were surveyed over seven years. At numerous points, they were asked about their levels of marital satisfaction.

The study found that both men and women became dissatisfied with marriages, but women experience declines in marital happiness much, much faster than men.

And Psych Central has also discovered that 70% of divorces are initiated by women.


This data can seem grim at first sight. It suggests that women are happy when theyโ€™re alone, but then they get into an unhappy relationship which inevitably ends in divorce.

But that isnโ€™t necessarily the case.

What this data is saying is maybe that society has been telling women the wrong message.


Women have been fighting for equality for so many years, and yet stereotypes of the housewife abound.

In the past, perhaps more women got into those kinds of relationships, realized that it wasnโ€™t what they wanted and got out.

And there is evidence that states that this is changing.

While women are still the main initiators of divorce, the divorce rate in America is plummeting.

In fact, the divorce rate dropped a staggering 18% from 2008 to 2016.

This statistic, when coupled (pun intended) with the data that says that women are happy when theyโ€™re single says something very positive.

It says that women are choosing to wait for the right partners to settle down with.


Just because a woman isnโ€™t actively looking for a relationship and is happy being single doesnโ€™t mean that they hate the idea of a relationship.

Theyโ€™re just not content with committing to someone who might not be right for them.

When people analyze the data like that, it actually points toward a positive thing for women today. They know how to be happy when theyโ€™re single, arenโ€™t desperate to shack up with the wrong partner and are successfully forming permanent relationships when the right person finally does come along.

And who could object to that way of living?

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