Autistic Toddler Stares At Snow White Catching Even Mom Off Guard With Response
This little boy noticed the Princess and became instantly enamored with her, but even Mom didn’t expect an interaction like this.
Kathleen Shipman

Life isn’t always easy for a person living with autism. In fact, it can be very difficult for the parent as well.

Moms and dads of autistic children often watch them struggle with activities and situations that others wouldn’t think twice about. They do what they can, however, knowing that their kids are beautiful and special.

Facebook/Disney Adventures & Autism
Facebook/Disney Adventures & Autism

North Carolina resident, Amanda, is the mother of three boys. Two of her sons have been diagnosed with autism, including her youngest, who the family calls “Jack Jack.”

When Jack Jack was two-years-old, the family decided to go on a trip to Disney World.

Yet, Amanda knew that her non-verbal son might not be interested in the costumed characters that you see everywhere.

She told Inside Edition:

“To us he’s very lovable, he’s always been extremely happy, but when it comes to other people, he’s just very shy. If he’s scared of someone he cries. But otherwise, if he doesn’t know someone, he ignores them.”

Flickr/Loren Javier
Flickr/Loren Javier

Amanda wasn’t too surprised when Jack Jack did indeed ignore the characters at the park. What did surprise her though, was the toddler’s reaction when they came across one special princess named Snow White.

Instantly Jack Jack was enamored with the Disney princess, becoming a heartwarming scene that’s swept the internet.

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YouTube Screenshot

The young boy’s eyes appeared to light up as he watched Snow White. He had an adorable smile on his face, and it’s obvious he was quite smitten with the woman. Jack Jack even snuggled his head into her shoulder.

In an interview with TODAY, Amanda explained:

“I saw affection and I saw just happiness and that look that he was so at ease, that he wasn’t nervous or scared. He didn’t have any fears toward her at all. He’s not ever like that.”

But just when the scene couldn’t get any more sweet, Jack Jack pulled a move that’s leaving tears in people’s eyes.

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YouTube Screenshot

The youngster actually laid his head in Snow White’s lap! Even the character’s joyful reaction to the precious moment was memorable.

For the Coley family, it was a breakthrough for Jack Jack that gave them hope – and they’ll never forget it.

Amanda offered advice to other moms and dads of autistic children.

“Take them places and try things. We had no idea how Jack Jack would react to Snow White the way he did. You truly never know what’s going to touch them and bring a reaction out of them that you’re not used to seeing.”

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YouTube Screenshot

Amanda decided to share the unforgettable scene between Jack Jack and Snow White online, which quickly went viral. Her YouTube video alone has more than 6,000,000 views.

She included in the caption:

“I must have cried 1000 tears watching his interaction with her. He was in love.”

Once the family got home from their Disney World vacation (which Jack Jack was officially diagnosed two weeks after), the toddler couldn’t stop watching the video. There was something about Snow White that he was drawn to – and would even give the screen kisses.

Facebook/Disney Adventures & Autism
Facebook/Disney Adventures & Autism

Amanda was also very grateful to the woman who played the Snow White character.

She told Inside Edition,

“She had no idea he had any disability. That was so touching for us. It’s obvious that she has a really good soul to bring out the reaction that she did.”

The mom even created a Facebook page dedicated to her sons and their Disney adventures. It seems like Jack Jack found something he really enjoys.

Be sure to check out the adorable video for yourself below!

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