Shop owner chases down and films herself confronting thief who stole from her store
She was done with people stealing items from her store.
Elijah Chan

If you were stolen from, what would you do?

Some of us would definitely call the cops. Others may scream for help. Then, there are others who will chase the culprits down and capture the entire scene unfolding via live feed on social media.

Pexels - Marcelo Moreira
Pexels - Marcelo Moreira

If you’re looking for the “most 21st century” way of chasing after bad guys, you stopped at the right place.

Sophia Romo started her live video when she sat beside a woman on the bus.

The unidentified woman was wearing a dress coupled with a wide-brimmed sun hat. She looked decadent and sophisticated and it surprised the passengers when Romo revealed the truth.

YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

She then called her with expletives and accused her of coming into her store and shoplifting some of their products.

YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

“Let’s play a game called, look in the thief’s purse. Let’s just see what she has,” Romo announced loudly in the video. The woman beside her seemed perplexed, confused, and horrified.

Romo aimed her phone camera down the woman’s bag.

The woman protested as Romo exclaimed “Oh, she also took a skirt!” the ruckus ensued and you can see the other passengers in the background were as confused and surprised.

YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

At one point, Romo even said that she will follow the woman to her house because the woman said she will pay her at home.

The encounter started when Romo’s employees spotted the woman.

They suspected she was a shoplifter which urged Romo to take action. She shared with Inside Edition that shoplifting is a common occurrence. It’s just that most of the time, store owners are not in the position to do something about it.

YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

She said that a lot of thieves leave the scene in vehicles but this one was different. The woman was on foot and she commuted. It was the perfect opportunity for Romo.

Eventually, the culprit was apprehended.

Romo called the police and they were waiting for the woman at the next bus stop. She was arrested for theft.

YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

In the video, Romo called out the suspect saying “You’re looking at me like I’m crazy and you stole from me. The irony.” The woman is due in court on August 29.

According to the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, billions of dollars are lost to thievery.

The organization, dedicated to educating the public against shoplifting, said that around $13 billion worth of goods are stolen each year with puts it around $35 million every day.

YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition
YouTube Screenshot - Inside Edition

They also echoed Romo’s claims that these things are rarely put to justice. Only 1 in 48 shoplifters are caught and only half of that number are prosecuted by the police.

As for Romo, the chase was well worth it.

She said in an interview with Inside Edition that the passengers had an entertaining bus ride. She also gets to serve justice while at it.

However, while it is tempting to do what Romo did, officials cautioned not to chase after crooks as they may lead you to places that are much more dangerous. Others are also armed and may result in violence when confronted.

Watch how this woman shamed a thief in a bus full of people.

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