Steve Hartman catches up with a Secret Santa that’s melting hearts across the country with his mission of surprising people this holiday season.
But who is this Secret Santa?

This particular Secret Santa is an “anonymous businessman” who goes around town spreading Christmas joy in the form of money, all from his own savings. He usually finds the people he targets at around thrift stores.

One of the random people he met along the way was so astonished at this act of generosity that she assumed that it was impossible to which “Secret Santa” positively refuted otherwise. She was so overjoyed and emotional at the point that she couldn’t help but say, “thank you so much.”
This is one of the noblest and endearing acts that anyone could do on earth and Secret Santa does this in a way in which he feels is meant to benefit the person he gives it to.
This particular year he recruited some “helper elves.”

Now in the latest episode of “On the Road,” Secret Santa is in Milwaukee and has recruited a bunch of bus drivers from the Milwaukee County Transit System to help him out to spread the spirit of Christmas all over.
Whenever any new passenger enters the bus, anyone of these helper elves will inform them that they’re “working for Secret Santa,” much to the astonishment of the passengers themselves.

And the reason Secret Santa chose them especially for the job was that these are the type of people were always doing kind deeds themselves whenever and wherever they can whether it be stopping the bus to pick up a pair of lost children shoes, helping the turtle across the street or even help a child that that is been wandering alone on their own.
It was apparent to secret Santa that there was an obvious culture of kindness that was being maintained with the people here, ultimately making them ideal for spreading Christmas joy.

Secret Santa revealed his plan to the drivers saying:
“We’re going to be on the biggest sleigh we’ve ever had and the magic is going to be like gold dust flying across the city.”

After that, five different drivers for the remainder of the day gave out thousands of dollars that were worth $100 bills. One of the passengers was so elated, she cried out, “thank you, ma’am, God is great.” Naturally, the money was well appreciated, but it was the unconditional kindness that really won the day for the passengers. But that’s not to say the drivers weren’t touched and happy for the experience and the smiles they gave to these people.
One passenger said, “It was a great experience, it’s going to stick with me for the rest of my life.”

Secret Santa closes out such a memorable good deed with eye-opening, and heartwarming advice:
“If you ever feel down, if you ever feel a little depressed, and you want to solve your problem, go out and do something kind for somebody. Because when you do that, you’re uplifting yourself.”
Watch below for the full story and get a tissue ready watching incredible holiday cheer be spread to these unsuspecting people.
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