Scammer Contacts Man For Electronics. Then He Sends Him Camera That Changes Both Of Their Lives
This amazing story shows that people are not always what they seem at first. What started as a scam ended up changing the lives of everyone involved - for the better.
Kristi Shinfuku

Most of the time when we are contacted by people from abroad asking for money, we ignore and disregard what is most likely a scam, but one Youtuber that runs the Pleasant Green decided to test fate when he decided to correspond with someone who had left a comment on his video.

The comment asked for โ€œbusiness or financial assistance dat [sic] will help empowerโ€ Joel, the man writing the comments. He then proceeded to ask for electronics that he could sell in his town in Liberia and they could split the profits. Still believing it to be a scam, Pleasant Green decided to keep going at it, and instead proposed that he would like for Joel to send photos over his daily surroundings in Liberia, and Pleasant Green would pay for the ones that he liked.

And he quickly began to send some photos over. The first few were no good. They were blurry and most likely from a really old cell phone camera, so Joel took a chance on him and sent him a camera, and gave him some tips on how to take a solid photo.


From there, the images started to get increasingly better. They were so good that Pleasant Green decided that to properly compensate Joel for his work, he would need to make a picture book of his best photos and sell it to the public.

There, they launched an Indiegogo project for the release of the book, and much to their surprise, the world was blown away by the intimate look into Liberiaโ€™s everyday life. People from every corner of the globe had started to purchase the book. In total, the book had been sold to over 40 different countries!


The two agreed on splitting the profits 50/50, with Pleasant Green promising to give his half to charity. After seeing the book, he decided he wanted to give it to the people of Liberia. It was also the last challenge to see if Joel was the honorable man he had made himself out to be.


Joel let Pleasant Green know that the children of his country badly needed school supplies, including chairs, backpacks, notebooks, and more. This was the real test for Joel, and Pleasant Green waited to see whether he would really do as he promised in the message exchanges.


After a couple hiccups with transferring the money to Liberia, Joel finally got his hands on the cash that was wired to him. From there, he cleared out the local store of backpacks, notebooks, and more. He bought enough supplies to help 5 local schools around him. He had to hire a taxi to be with him the whole day so that he could carry all of these materials.

Itโ€™s a truly amazing look at what a little experiment can bring. Sometimes all we need to do is to put a little trust in someone and see how it goes. Itโ€™s definitely a risky maneuver, but not everything out of the internet is bad!

For those interested in the book, check it out here!


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