Marathoner Gets Fat-Shaming Message From Bully - Her Classy Reply Wins The Internet
What do you think about her response to this online bully?
D.G. Sciortino

For some reason, some people think to be thin and trim and the end all and be all in life. And that’s fine if fitness is important to you but it’s not fine when you judge, harass, and insult others for not sharing your narrow and shallow views.

Unfortunately, people who are in the spotlight are subject to the ridicule of these folks who think they have the right to offer their worthless input.

These people are so blind that they fail to see all the beauty and strength and other wonderful things human being possess on the inside. I mean what’s really more important having a six pack or being an honest, kind, and decent human being? These people might tell you the former.


Kelly Roberts, the blogger behind She Can and She Did and Run, Selfie, Repeat, inspires thousands of people to live a healthy, active, and fulfilling lifestyle.

She was a self-proclaimed member of the “I f*cking hate running club” and worked hard to become a 3 hour and 41-minute marathon runner.

“A lot happened in a very short four years: I met the royals, went from ‘I don’t think I’m a runner’ to a 3 hour and 41 minute marathoner(!!!) running down self-doubt and fear along the way, started the#SportsBraSquad, landed the cover of Women’s Running Magazine(!!!), and saw thousands of badass women cross their very first finish lines,” she wrote on her blog.


Kelly also runs in a sports bra despite the fact that she isn’t a size 0 and doesn’t have a six pack which spreads a beautiful message of body positivity, self-love and acceptance telling other women it’s OK to love their bodies and that they don’t have to look like the impossibly thin images they see in the media.

If you ask me, that’s pretty inspiring, especially to the average Joe or Josephine.

One man, however, didn’t think so. Despite all her accomplishments and despite the fact that she is a healthy woman, he couldn’t stand the fact that her body shape wasn’t up to his standards. He could have just stated his concern and suggestions, but instead, he sent her a scathing and insulting email.

Here’s what he wrote:


You have to be a seriously miserable human being to go out of your way to send that to someone. Kelly had a great response.

“Dear man who found it appropriate to send me this email,

Once upon a time, your words would have cut me like valyrian steel. Today? They remind me how important it is to change the way we see strength. Because what you call fat, I know can run a marathon in 3 hours in 41 minutes. I hope one day you can obtain the strength I’ve worked tirelessly for. Until then, know that I will spend the rest of my life empowering the women you hope to shame.

You will lose. You already are. The #SportsBraSquad is strong as hell.

See you at the finish line. I’ll be the one giving you a high five when you get there.”

She set another inspirational example for others that haters will hate and you have to just put them in their place.

Kelly does, however, put down some groups and individuals on her page like millennials and the Victoria’s Secret Angels so perhaps this is just a case of what comes around goes around? Oh, humans!

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