‘Rich kids’ items from the 80s that declared your status
If you had these things in your house, you were "fancy"!
Elijah Chan

Ah, the 1980s—a decade filled with bold fashion, unique gadgets, and a level of opulence that seemed to touch every corner of life, especially for those with deep pockets.

Rich kids of this era had access to items that were the epitome of luxury and often the envy of their peers.

These quirky and extravagant items ranged from high-tech gadgets to whimsical furniture, each symbolizing the wealth and status of their owners.

Let’s dive into nine such items that stood out as markers of affluence and desirability, capturing the spirit of an extravagant era.

Imagine living in a house so vast that shouting from one end to the other simply wouldn’t do.

Enter the intercom system, a status symbol in the 1980s affluent homes.

This nifty gadget allowed family members to communicate effortlessly within their sprawling mansions.

No more trudging up and down stairs to call everyone to dinner or to relay a simple message.

The convenience of just pressing a button and talking to someone in another part of the house was seen as the pinnacle of luxury and modernity.

YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor
YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor

Another symbol of 1980s opulence was the heart-shaped jacuzzi.

This wasn’t just any bathtub; it was a romantic fantasy come to life.

Often found in the homes of the wealthy and in some high-end motels, these jacuzzis added a touch of romance and indulgence to any setting.

The idea of soaking in a heart-shaped tub, often surrounded by candles and soft music, was the height of luxurious relaxation.

For many, owning such a lavish item was the ultimate expression of love and wealth.

YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor
YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor

In the realm of artistic lighting, neon light sculptures reigned supreme in the 1980s.

These vibrant and colorful creations weren’t just about illuminating a space—they were about making a statement.

Often seen in the homes of the rich and famous, neon sculptures created an atmosphere of luxury and indulgence.

They were more decorative than functional, serving as eye-catching centerpieces that showcased one’s taste and affluence.

The glow of neon lights added a futuristic and playful touch to any room.

YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor
YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor

When it came to household chores, the central vacuum cleaner was the epitome of high-tech convenience.

Installed in the walls of affluent homes, this system made vacuuming a breeze.

No more lugging heavy vacuum cleaners from room to room—simply plug the hose into a wall outlet, and the superior suction power did the rest.

This innovation not only simplified a mundane task but also underscored the homeowner’s status and appreciation for cutting-edge technology.

YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor
YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor

Speaking of technology, the novelty phone was a must-have for any rich kid wanting to express their individuality and style.

Phones shaped like hamburgers, lips, and even animals added a whimsical touch to everyday communication.

These quirky designs brought a sense of fun and personality to the otherwise ordinary task of making a phone call.

Having a novelty phone wasn’t just about having a telephone—it was about making a statement and showcasing a unique sense of style.

YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor
YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor

For those who loved to entertain, basement bars were the ultimate home feature in the 1980s.

These spaces often featured wood-paneled walls, dim lighting, and fully stocked bars, creating a cozy and social environment.

A basement bar was the perfect place for hosting parties and gatherings, allowing homeowners to impress their guests with their hospitality and taste.

The ambiance of a basement bar made it a coveted addition to any luxurious home.

YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor
YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor

Bedrooms in affluent homes often featured round beds, adding a dramatic and stylish flair.

These beds were impractical but undeniably chic, symbolizing high fashion and sophistication.

The round bed wasn’t just a place to sleep—it was a statement piece that showcased the homeowner’s bold taste and desire for uniqueness.

It added an element of drama to the bedroom, making it a standout feature in any lavish home.

YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor
YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor

No list of 1980s luxuries would be complete without mentioning the Apple Lisa, an early personal computer with a hefty price tag.

This groundbreaking machine introduced the graphical user interface and the mouse, setting the stage for future technological advancements.

Although it was a revolutionary product, its high cost made it accessible only to the wealthy, and in hindsight, its limitations make it seem almost comical.

Nonetheless, owning an Apple Lisa was a testament to one’s forward-thinking and wealth, a true status symbol of the era.

YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor
YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor

Glass staircases were another bold and unconventional design choice in the 1980s affluent homes.

These staircases created a sense of openness and lightness, adding a visually striking element to any house.

While they were often considered perilous due to their transparent nature, they undeniably made a strong statement.

The blend of elegance and daring design reflected the adventurous spirit of the wealthy, who weren’t afraid to take risks to showcase their unique taste.

YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor
YouTube Screenshot - Memory Manor

The 1980s were a time of excess and innovation, with the wealthy leading the charge in embracing both.

These funny, extravagant, and often impractical items highlight a decade where opulence and individuality reigned supreme.

For those of us who looked on with envy, these items remain iconic symbols of a uniquely lavish era.

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