Artist Helps Kids With Disabilities Unleash Their Inner Superhero, Shows Them How Brave They Are
He's helping them see just how strong they are.
Kate Luther

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

X-ray vision? Super strength? The ability to fly? We all had our favorite super heroes as kids and I’m sure you remember that fantastic feeling you’d get when you imagined leaping the tallest building or jumping into your invisible jet.

Well, one photographer decided to take that feeling one step further and help children with illnesses and disabilities discover just how powerful they truly are!

Digital artist, Josh Rossi and his wife Roxana, set out to find the real superheroes in the world. They worked with acclaimed costume designer, Julie Whiteley, to create incredible photo shoots where a group of amazing kids could reveal their secret identities and show off their super powers.

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

This is 5-year-old, Kayden Kinckle. Kayden was born with Omphalocele, a birth defect which causes the abdominal organs to be born outside the body. In order to save him, the doctors had to amputate his legs, so he’s been a double-amputee for most of his life. Josh was impressed with Kayden’s incredible strength and determination and instantly thought of Cyborg’s legendary story.

Meet the first Real Justice League member, Kayden!

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

Next up was Sofie Loftus. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, called Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma, at just three years of age. She always dreamed of having long, dark hair – just like Wonder Woman – but chemo caused her hair to fall out.

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

When Josh and Roxana met Sofie, they realized they had a real-life Wonder Woman sitting right in front of them. Sofie’s resilience and inner strength earned her a place in the Real Justice League!

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

And the journey didn’t stop there.

Josh and Roxana also met 5 year-old, Simon Fullmer, diagnosed with a rare form of nerve cancer called, Neuroblastoma, and a true Batman fan.

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

Simon’s mom said he never complains and wants to know EVERYTHING, no sugar coating for this brave young man! Batman must certainly be proud to have a tough kid like Simon in his corner!

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

Then there’s 2 year-old, Mataese Manuma. He has Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia, a rare type of pediatric cancer that affects the bone marrow.

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

Mataese quickly showed Josh and Roxana was a trooper he really was – on the day of the shoot, he was running fever, a side-effect of having just completed a round of chemo. He was taken to the hospital and met with Josh and Roxana to take pictures just a few days later.

Like Jason Momoa, the actor who plays Aquaman in the DC movie, Mataese is of Polynesian descent. Josh thought it was only fitting to that he be photographed as Aquaman for the Real Justice League.

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

The Rossi’s also met 7 year-old, Zaiden Stolrow. Zaiden is a high-energy kid who’s been diagnosed with ADHD. Josh admitted he wasn’t sure that Zaiden would fit with this particular photo shoot, but that all changed when he heard Zaiden’s story.

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

Because of his ADHD, Zaiden has trouble sitting still. In fact, he was so excited about a fundraising race at school, he got into trouble for not waiting his turn and ended up in the principal’s office instead of outside running the race. His hyperactive behavior has also caused some of his friends to stop inviting him to parties.

Josh thought Zaiden would make a perfect Flash for the Real Justice League and we think he was spot on!

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

And of course, we can’t forget Teagan Pettit, born with only half a heart, a condition known as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Teagan has had to have multiple surgeries and has had a few life-threatening scares along the way, as he waits for a heart transplant.

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

Teagan loves Superman and Josh knew that this brave 9 year-old boy would be a perfect addition to the Real Justice League. We think he made a great decision!

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

Josh gave each of the kids a large copy of the print to keep. Are you ready to meet the Real Justice League?

Josh Rossie
Josh Rossie

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Source: Now This Entertainment
