Rat Searches For Happiness, And His Journey Is An Eye-Opening Message About Life
This video contains an eye-opening message about life.
Kristi Shinfuku

A new short film that was released through Vimeo has us reminded of what it truly means to be happy. The satirical film mocks our everyday life through the eyes of a rat living in a technologically advanced society not too different from ours- packed subway rides, busy streets, and visual marketing stimulus at every corner.

The rat is on an endless search for satisfaction, and he goes through a variety of different experiences throughout the short movie. From endless shopping experiences to driving a fancy car to alcohol and drugs to being trapped through money (literally), it makes the viewer take a long hard look at the life we lead every day and ask ourselves- is this all truly worth it? If this video is anything to go by, the answer is no, and we admit we had to rethink where we find true happiness in our own lives after watching this video as well.


It’s certainly a dark and bleak take on our current society, but it’s a brilliant satirical piece that addresses a lot of today’s materialistic society’s wishes to find happiness in all of the wrong places. True happiness will never come from the outside, and this rat-filled short story proves that when it comes to being happy, money or drugs or anything else in-between is not the real answer to any of our problems.

The fantastic short film was created by Steve Cutts, “a London based artist specialising in animation, illustration, painting and sculpture.” Previous works by the incredible artist also feature other dark subject matter and satire about our modern day society. His commentary on the state of the world and dramatic style, along with his talented animation and bleak colors, make him a true talent and social visionary.

Check out the video in full below!


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