Quick-thinking 11-year-old sees infant sister can’t breathe, saves her life by giving her CPR
It's so important to know CPR!
Khadija Bilal

Siblings might bicker and argue from time to time, but they’ve always got each other’s backs, and there have been so many inspiring stories over the years of brothers and sisters of all ages doing all they can to help each other, and in some cases, even saving each other’s lives! For an incredible example of what siblings can do for one another, we simply need to look at the story of Lyla Morgan.

Lyla, 11, is being hailed a hero after saving her baby sister’s life.

It all happened in July of this year. Lyla was babysitting her baby sister, Lilya, when she suddenly found herself faced with a terrifying and terrible situation: Lilya had stopped breathing.

UnityPoint Health
UnityPoint Health

Many people, especially children, would have been frozen with panic and fright in such a situation, but Lyla leaped into action. She immediately started to perform resuscitation techniques on her baby sister.

“When I came back into the room her face was grey and her lips were white and she was just laying there, she wasn’t breathing,” explained Lyla, in a video shared on Facebook by UnityPoint Health.

UnityPoint Health
UnityPoint Health

The girls’ mom, Amanda Paigly, wasn’t around at the time. She explained:

“I was at work and about an hour after I had left from lunch the baby had stopped breathing. My older daughter blew a little puff of air in the baby’s mouth, she didn’t know what else to do and she proceeded to call 911.”

Incredibly, that little puff of air was what saved Lilya’s life!

“She just started to breath again and we went outside and she started to make noises,” explained Lyla.

Paramedic Alex Bentley was the first to arrive on the scene after Lyla’s 911 call. He grabbed Lilya in his hands and tried to get her to cry. Moments later, before she was even in the ambulance, Lilya was crying and breathing again.

UnityPoint Health
UnityPoint Health

Little Lyla got a special ‘Hero’ certificate from UnityPoint Health for her actions, with another medic, Steven Sinnwell, saying it was “amazing” that an 11-year-old girl had reacted so smartly and sensibly to such a scary situation.

Meanwhile, Amanda was completely overwhelmed with pride at her daughter’s actions, almost bursting into tears in the video as she says, “I’m super proud of her, I’m just really proud. I’m really blessed with having such a great child.”

UnityPoint Health
UnityPoint Health

Lyla definitely deserves all the praise and respect she’s getting for her actions, and this story just goes to show how important it can be to learn life-saving techniques like CPR.

You never know when dangerous situations might present themselves and someone you love could be in need of help. It’s often very easy to find CPR classes in your local area, and learning this simple skill could be all you need to save someone’s life someday, just like Lyla! Learn more about this incredible story in the video down below.

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At 11 years old, she’s already being called a hero. What she did to save her 7-week-old baby sister’s life.

Posted by UnityPoint Health – Waterloo on Thursday, 22 August 2019
