If dogs could talk, what would they say? It’s a question that most of us have asked ourselves, as well as our furry friends, many times before. Luckily for us, the answer to that question is finally here–and it’s hanging from a dog’s mouth. This adorable pup speaks truth through cardboard signs and they aren’t just dog truths, there are some human truths thrown in there as well. So, if you’ve ever wanted to know what your dog was thinking, then this slideshow is for you. Check out these 48 photos of a dog with a sign and be sure to share it with a friend!
1. Let Me Roll In It
Dogs love to roll in the nastiest of things. Although they probably benefit from it somehow, the rest of us don’t. It’s a small price to pay, however, since the amount of joy that dogs bring to our lives significantly outweighs the messes that they roll in.
2. No More Baths
Some dogs love baths and other dogs hate them. Clearly, this dog falls into the latter group. Maybe if he stopped rolling around in all that trash he wouldn’t have to be bathed as often.
3. Talk High Pitched To Me
Everyone seems to talk in a high-pitched voice when they speak to animals and babies. And I don’t think anyone ever told us to do this. It’s just an innate thing that we do to communicate comfort to those who can’t understand our words. So don’t worry, pup, we’ll never stop talking high-pitched to you.
4. Bag Free Transportation For All
No dog likes to be carried in a bag. If they have the ability to walk, then they’re going to prefer that. But when you live in a city, it can be hard to let your dog walk everywhere with you. So the choice is yours, doggy, stay home, or ride the bag.
5. Let Me Lick Your Face
Getting licked by a dog is always a little bittersweet. You appreciate the sentiment of it, but all of that gooey saliva is pretty gross to deal with–especially when it’s on your face. But if you love your dog, then let them lick your face from time to time. It’ll make them happy and all you have to do is keep a towel nearby.
6. Stop Taking Pictures Of Me While I’m Sleeping
Sleep-time is a vulnerable time. You are unconscious and usually don’t look your best. Would you want your friends to take pictures of you when you’re sleeping and share them on the internet? Probably not. So don’t do it to your dog either.
7. Stock Up On Treats
There’s never a good reason to have a shortage of treats in your house. Every good dog deserves a treat so you may as well have plenty on hand when the time comes. Your furry friend will thank you for it.
8. Carrots Aren’t Treats
Let’s be clear on what exactly a treat is. Any meat or cheese product will do fine. Bones are good as well. But carrots… nope, carrots are not a treat. You can keep those in the fridge where they belong.
9. Send More Dog Pics
Everyone loves a good dog pic. They have the ability to brighten even the gloomiest of days. So go ahead and snap all the cute pics of your dog that you can. We’ll all benefit from them.
10. Dogs Can Have Little A Salami Too
I’m a big fan of feeding human food to dogs. I know that some people don’t like to do it but I think it’s only fair since they are forced to eat the same crunchy nuggets day in and day out. A little variety never hurt anyone.
11. Stop Making Dog Shaming Videos
Dogs can feel shame, too. If you have a dog at home, make sure that they feel loved every single day. They do that for you, so returning the favor is the least that you can do for them.
12. Stop Using Me As Your Pick-Up Line
I’m guilty of this one. Whether it’s my own dog that I’m using to try and start a conversation or it’s their dog that I see, I’m going to say something. It’s just too easy of a pick-up line to not use. Sorry pup, I’ll try and keep this to a minimum from now on.
13. Stop Trying To Konmari My Toys
Dogs love toys just as much as humans do. And personally, I don’t like it when people mess with my toys–even when they are scattered all over the place. Sure, having a clean house is nice, but you should allow your dog to scatter their toys around the room from time to time. You can always pick them up later.
14. Puppuchinos Are Just Whipped Cream
Dogs love whipped cream. Just the other day my friend bought her dog a puppuchino and he went crazy for it. Sure it’s not the healthiest option in the world, but a little cup of whipped cream now and then never hurt anyone.
15. My Voice Doesn’t Sound Like That
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve pretended to talk like my dog if he could speak. And you know what? I use the same dumb voice every time. Now that I think about it, it’s kind of rude for me to assume that my dog sounds like that. He’s not dumb, he just doesn’t speak English.
16. I’m Walking You
When you really think about it, it’s hard to say who’s walking who. There are plenty of times that you don’t really want to go on a walk but your dog does–and you do it anyway. So at that point, it’s your dog who’s walking you.
17. I Want My Alone Time Back
Everyone enjoys some alone time–even dogs. Our first instinct is often to pick them up and snuggle with them on the couch, but sometimes it may be best to just let them be on their own for a bit. There’s a time for snuggling and there’s a time for personal space.
18. Thank You Essential Workers
The COVID pandemic has been a struggle, to say the least. And when our workplaces were shut down, certain businesses had to remain open to keep society afloat. To those men and women who went to work every day for those companies, we say thank you. And so does this adorable little pup.
19. Yes Dogs
All dogs are yes-dogs. I can’t think of a single time when my dog didn’t share my excitement to do something together. Sure there are times when he doesn’t want the walk to end and he’ll be a bit stubborn, but with a little coaxing, he’s just as happy to go inside as I am.
20. Squirrel!
This dog-thought is a no-brainer. Every time a dog sees a squirrel, the only thing that goes through their mind is… squirrel! And if I’m being totally honest, I think the same way.
21. Dogs Get Cold Too
Even with all that fur, a dog can still get cold. So go ahead and get your pup a jacket if you live in a cold climate. It’s a win-win. They’ll be warmer and they’ll look even more adorable than they usually do.
22. Stop And Smell The Butts
To a dog, a butt smells just as good–if not better–than a rose. I can’t say that I agree with dogs on this one, but I’ll agree to disagree. If my nose was capable of smelling everything that a dog’s nose can, I would probably have a different opinion on certain scents.
23. Less Zoom More Zoomies
To be honest, I’m not sure that I understand this one. So, I’m just going to look at this adorable pup with his little smile and let you try and figure out what this message means. The cute face is enough for me.
24. No Take Only Throw
The rules of the game don’t matter to a dog. He knows what part of the game he likes and he doesn’t want to play the other parts. I don’t think he understands that without “take”, there is no “throw.”
25. Train Your Human
We put so much stock as dog owners into training our dogs. But whether we realize it or not, our dogs train us as well. We give in to their cute puppy demands and take them on walks even when all we want to do is sit down and watch the game.
26. I Poop You Scoop
Dogs definitely got the good end of the bargain on this one. They must think that we are a little crazy for always picking up their poop. But just like any other routine in your dog’s life, once they understand it as the norm, they accept it as a ritual.
27. Wear A Mask
COVID has brought forth varying opinions on how it should be handled. And how often people wear their masks seems to depend on where in the country they are living. Whatever your opinion on masks is, here’s a cute and friendly reminder just to wear one.
28. All Dogs Deserve Positive Reinforcement
I think everyone benefits from positive reinforcement–and dogs are no different. When my boss congratulates me on a job well done, I’m much more motivated to keep working hard. Rather, if he only talks to me when I’m doing something wrong, I just get irritated. Make sure you let your dog know when they did something good.
29. Stop Selling Vacuums
My dog hates vacuums. He barks at it and then runs under the kitchen table. Ironically, if I didn’t have a dog, I wouldn’t need to vacuum nearly as often. But there’s no explaining that to him. He’s just going to have to deal with it.
30. More Belly Rubs
You should give your dog a good belly rub every single day. It’s good for you and the dog. And for all that they do for us, a simple belly rub is the least that we can offer them.
31. Dog Moms Are Moms Too
All moms deserve gratitude–including dog moms. They give so much of themself to their child’s (or puppy’s) development and always put themself second. If you’ve got a dog mom in your house, make sure to give her extra scratches today.
32. Drop More Food On The Floor
Whenever I’m cooking in the kitchen, my dog is right there next to me. For some reason, pancakes are his favorite. So, I’ll be sure to make small cakes and “drop” them on the floor for him to eat.
33. Puppies Against Fireworks
My dog weighs about 100 lbs. He thinks he’s the biggest and bravest dog on the block. But the second he hears fireworks go off, his tail shoots between his legs and he runs inside the house. He would definitely get on board with this little dog and his sign.
34. All Dogs Are Good Dogs
Every dog starts as a good dog. Sometimes, bad things happen to dogs and they become aggressive or territorial. But if you can break through that tough exterior, you’ll find a sweet and loving dog in the center.
35. Be The Person Your Dog Thinks You Are
Your dog thinks the world of you. To them, you are the greatest human alive. So why not act like it in your day to day life? Be the person that your dog thinks you are and show the world your greatness.
36. All Dogs Are Emotional Support Dogs
Having a dog by your side when you are going through a tough time is so helpful. They’ll lay with you for as long as you want, and be the towel that you wipe your tears on. If your dog had ever helped you through a tough time, make sure to give them some extra treats today.
37. Stop Cutting Treats Into Smaller Treats
I’m guilty of this one. I like to make my dog do tricks for his treats, but I usually like to see him do more than just one. So naturally, I break his one big treat into smaller bites so he’ll do more tricks for me. Sorry, pup, I’ll stop.
38. I Will Not Be Curbed
No one likes to be told what to do, even dogs. When I was younger, if someone with authority told me to do something, I would do the exact opposite. I think this dog has a bit of a rebel streak in him as well.
39. Toilets Are Just Big Water Bowls
In all seriousness, this one is actually true. We use filtered water to flush our toilets and waste it by the gallon. Dogs must know this because they do everything that they can to try and drink that water before it gets flushed away.
40. Stop Blaming Your Farts On Me
I’m guilty once again. But in all fairness, my dog does fart a lot. So it’s a no brainer to blame it on him when I have company over. If he wants me to stop blaming him, then he’s going to have to stop farting so much.
41. Stop Pretending To Throw The Ball
When I play ball with my dog, I can’t help but give him a couple of fake throws from time to time. However, the look on his face keeps me from doing it too often. I know that all he wants in the entire world at that moment is for me to throw it, so I do–usually.
42. Stop Letting Humans Judge Dog Shows
Wouldn’t it be great if dogs could judge their own dog shows? I think they’d judge them on very different categories than we would–smell being the most obvious. I think it’d be great. I’m with you on this one, pup.
43. Poop Strike (Due To Rain)
Not being able to poop when you want would be brutal. I’m not sure how dogs stay so calm about it but I have to give them some respect for this one. But rain or shine, you better be ready to go when I take you out because it may be your only opportunity for a while.
44. Feliz Naughty Dog
Christmas is always a great time to spend with your dog. They’re excited about all the company that comes over and the number of communal activities that are taking place. And most importantly, they get to enjoy all of the holiday feast scraps that get left around.
45. Tug Not War
If dogs ruled the world, there’d be no more wars. There are lots of things that we can learn from dogs, but learning how to love is the most important. Dog’s love so much stronger than many of us ever do and we would be much better off in this world if we loved like them.
46. Don’t Trust The Mailman
Some dogs hate the mailman, while others enjoy his company. My dog tends to bark at him before running up and wagging his big tail, hoping to get some head pats. However, even if he receives those pats, I’m still not so sure if he trusts him.
47. Just Drop The Ball Times Square
A dog’s fascination with tennis balls is pretty funny. When there is one in our hands, it’s the only thing that they can concentrate on. They want you to drop it, sure, but they’d rather have you throw it as far as you can.
48. Bark If You Like Smelly Socks
Dog’s love smelly things and socks tend to be pretty smelly quite often. If dogs could read, this sign would be getting barks from all over the world. You’re not alone on this one, pup.
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