Man Saves Drowned Puppy By Using Bottle To Give CPR
Thanks to his quick thinking, the unlucky puppy got a brand-new lease on life.
Cheryl Knight

If you think all life is precious, then saving an animal in distress is probably tight up your alley. Whether they are stuck somewhere and need help out, or have suffered from a life-threatening accident, many animals have relied on the kindness of humans to save their lives.

This is exactly what happened in South Vietnam when a cyclist decided to help a puppy in serious need of aid, as without his help the puppy would have dies.

Lifeless in the River

YouTube/The Dodo
YouTube/The Dodo

A 21-year-old Vietnamese man Hoang Minh sprang into action when he spotted a lifeless puppy floating in a nearby river. Not giving it a second thought, Minh dragged the puppy’s lifeless body out of the water and immediately began administering CPR. He did this by rubbing the small dog’s chest and sides in an attempt to stimulate his heart and hopefully help the non-breathing pup expel some of the water in its lungs.

A Tiny Breath

YouTube/The Dodo
YouTube/The Dodo

After a few minutes of working on the puppy, Minh was able to get a tiny breath. But his relief was short lived as the puppy stopped breathing once again. Determined, Minh kept up with his efforts in the hope of savings the puppy’s life. Everything looked dire, but then the inventive Minh had an idea.

A Makeshift Ventilator

YouTube/The Dodo
YouTube/The Dodo

Grabbing a nearby water bottle, Minh cut off the bottom of the bottle. Next, he placed the open end of the bottle over the puppy’s face. Then, using it as a makeshift ventilator, Minh breathed into the top opening of the bottle. Using the bottle, he was able to force more air into the tiny dog’s lungs.

Signs of Life

YouTube/The Dodo
YouTube/The Dodo

Still determined, Minh continued to do CPR and breathe air into the puppy’s lungs. Eventually his perseverance paid off as the puppy began to cough up the water it had swallowed. Slowly, but surely, the puppy began to revive, breathing air into its lungs since it had drowned in the river.

The Hero


Now in shock, the puppy was wrapped in some clothing to keep it warm by Minh. Eventually, the puppy recovered enough to go on its way. Minh doesn’t know what happened to the puppy after that, but he hoped it found its way home.

According to Minh, the entire rescue operation was completely improvised. “After taking the puppy from the water, I was very confused and just did what I did without thinking,” the hero cyclist continued, “I didn’t actually know the proper paramedic procedure.”

How to Do CPR on an Animal

All About Animals
All About Animals

CPR for animals is similar to that for a human. If you must perform CPR on a dog, make sure the pooch is lying on its right side. This ensures that the heart is facing upward. Next, place the heel of your hand over the heart. Locking your hands together, straighten your arms, giving 30 rapid chest compressions.

The depth of the compressions depends on the size of the dog. For a large dog, they should go down about two to three inches. For a smaller dog, or cat, compress only a half to one inch. In between each set of 30 seconds, give the animal two rescue breaths. Check for a heartbeat after four cycles of compressions.

A Miraculous Revival

By never giving up, Minh was able to save the puppy’s life. Whether the puppy appreciated Minh’s efforts is up for debate, but he is a true hero for going out of his way to save the dog’s life. Best of all, the whole daring resuscitation attempt was captured by Minh’s helmet cam.

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Source: The Dodo
