Street performers are known to catch the crowd by surprise. They might even have you rubbing your eyes wondering if what you’re seeing is just a figment of your imagination. Street buskers have definitely stepped up their game over the years.
They’ve become more and more extravagant with how they capture our attention.

Everything from insane breakdancing, to marvelous street piano solos, are just a few tricks of the trade. But this unusual performance is unlike any other… seriously.
When you run into a street performer it’s common to see some peculiar things. But witnessing a mega-talented puppeteer takes the cake.

Thankfully someone hit record when they stumbled upon this interesting act. This puppet doesn’t just wave and talk like your average puppets, he’s got a skill of his own.
This marionette puppet is a skilled painter and you’ll have to see it to believe it.

The puppet man was dressed just like any old painter would. His raggedy clothes and apron were covered in old paint splotches like he’s been working on a masterpiece. He even has this exhausted look to him as if he’s been up all night painting.
It’s actually pretty freaky how human-like this little puppet is.

The puppet painter started his act by walking slowly to his tiny easel and fresh paints. His slow steps had me on my toes, wondering what in the world could this puppet really do!?
I mean, he’s attached to some strings, he’ll probably just paint a smiley face at most…

But this puppet was far more talented than I could have expected. When he finally gets to the blank canvas he dips his brush in bright red paint and begins painting.
The puppet painter starts off with some red and yellow swirls, which already surpassed my simple smiley face prediction.

But, how much more could this puppet paint? He continues his masterpiece with care, using blue and green paints.
After all of that hard work, he sat down for a little break, showing off an almost finished snail.

But he didn’t stop there, he got right back up and added his final touches. Then finally VOILA! The puppet painter completed his work of art. His colorful snail puts all my painting skills to shame.
Of course, this puppet man is actually brought to life by his talented puppeteer.

So all credit goes to the person pulling the strings. It takes some serious skills to make a puppet seem so life-like. This puppet master sure knows how to leave a crowd speechless. I never knew watching a puppet paint would be the thing I’m missing in my life.
This street performer/puppeteer must’ve known the streets needed something a bit more bizarre.

I just hope they got decent tips so this talented puppet could afford new paints. YouTube viewers all over the world even raved over this outstanding show. Beverly McHugh commented on the video saying,
“THAT was the best performance of any puppeteer I have ever seen in my life you are the best”
Another viewer named Elizabeth Devine wrote,
“Totally amazing, the way he washes the brush between each paint, looks around to see if anyone is looking, wipes his brow…unbelievable talent…”
The hype for this puppet is REAL.

You really won’t want to miss this one of a kind street performance!
Watch this skilled puppet painter below
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