Couple Wins Professional Dance Championship With Smooth Moves
They won in the professional division and they are incredible to watch.
Eduardo Gaskell

Born on the beaches of South Carolina, the Shag is a quick and smooth dance that rose in the 1940s to beach music where kids stepped and twirled their nights away. It is described as a “cold beer on a warm night with a hot date and no plans for tomorrow”. How southern is that?

You will have to see Shag dancing in action to truly understand what it is. Its popularity has flowed in and out over the decades but nevertheless, it is here to stay.

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Sam West and Kristal Taylor Davis are popular veterans at the National Shag Dance Championships.

These two won first place in the professional division and you will see why. The NSDC started in Myrtle Beach in 1984. It is the longest continuously running shag dance contest in America. And whether you are or are not in to dancing, this video will have you smiling at the amazing skills of Sam and Kristal.

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The NSDC happens over two weekends each year and plays host to the best Shag dancers in the country.

Sam and Kristal are dancing to, “I’m ready” by Fats Domino. It’s a classic rock and roll tune that was written and recorded back in 1959. The beat and the melody are perfect for shag dancing. It is smooth yet funky and has undeniable energy.

Roland Godefroy
Roland Godefroy

A cool song needs cool dancers to match and they don’t disappoint.

Shag is primarily a male-led dance and there is no better man to lead than Sam. He has multiple awards and titles to his name and people in the shag world know who Sam West is. Kristal is in good hands!

Well look at them go. Sam West displaying his fancy footwork and for a man his height and build, it is unbelievable to watch how he bends his knees and twirls to the music. He leads Kristal and spins her around the dance floor like they’re floating on air.

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Seamless and flawless as they both twirl and the audience loves it.

Sam West has been dancing at the age of nine all thanks to his mom. He is a seven time Carolina Shag Division champion at the USA Grand National Dance championships and a three time US Open Shag Champion. The man is a living legend and seeing him perform is always a treat.

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Sam and Kristal have been regular partners and have performed together over many years.

The dance connection is obvious and they flow together so effortlessly it’s clear to see why they choose to dance together. This is one of their more stunning routines and you can hear the crowd’s reactions for every amazing step they pull off. Even the judges have to smile for those!

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West and Taylor put their own “spin” on the Shag too.

He certainly has a way of dancing. That long frame seems to have a secondary sway for every move he does and his long legs give out a cool illusion whenever he dips and jives. Kristal’s smaller build makes it look like she’s stepping on clouds. She doesn’t seem to put any weight on her feet.

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No one else can move like these two and that first place title was theirs from the start.

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Watch the championship winning dance below. They are so good!

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Source: YouTube, Southern Living, Sam and Lisa
