Woman Catches Officers Welcoming Soldiers Home
At first, she didn't understand why so many of them were blocking the highway. After realizing why - she couldn't help but shed tears.
Haley Bean

Seeing a line of police officers blocking road is usually a bad sign and bad news, however, this line of officers was doing something a little more special. These officers were giving a sharp salute to the men and women who were on their way back from serving our country.

Earlier this year, multiple buses could be seen making their way down the interstate into Fort Carson in Colorado Springs. These buses were full of soldiers anxious to come home to their families from being deployed in Afghanistan. Along with the officers stopping traffic, the buses were also escorted my multiple squad cars and motorcycles.

The woman filming the video, Rhea Taylor, was simply on her way home from helping out a friend when she came upon the officers. She immediately knew that she needed to get out her phone and start recording because she was going to see something special that needed to tears.

There’s no indication of how long the soldiers were away, it can be assumed that the soldiers from the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team and 4th Infantry Division on the buses had been gone an extended amount of time, missing some important events and holidays in their personal lives.

Though this may seem like a small gesture to some, these officers that took time out of their day to stop traffic and salute helped 5 buses make quicker, easier left turns that definitely shaved off a few minutes from these soldiers’ trip. Everyone knows the struggle of waiting for what seems like forever at a red light. Imagine that red light being the only thing keeping you from going home and seeing your family after months away, and being stuck in a big ‘ole bus that may not even make the green light?

There is a special bond between the police and the military. They both serve our countries, put their lives in danger, and risk leaving their families behind- all for the protection of our country and its people. A lot of officers are former military and there is definitely some military that is former, or future, police officers. The respect and patriotism that these two groups share are incredible, and it’s so very clear when we see events like this take place.

With everything that’s going in the world, it’s stories like these that bring us together and remind us that we are one nation. The officers went out of their way to stop for these brave men and women, and the people in traffic behind this wall of officers don’t mind waiting a little extra longer so that these soldiers can get back home.

Watch the full tribute below.

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